Personal Skill Development

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Personal Skill development

Personal Skill development


In order to become self confident and more effective independent learner, it requires planning personal development. This improves the skills effectively for the study and career management. A high level of perspective is to be taken on the personal development while monitoring the important skills. This will develop an understanding towards the areas where a person may be weak, or less focused. Effective communication skills, effective presentation skills, problem solving and decision making, effective time and stress management are the most important personal development skills. The managers, doctors, practitioners, are mainly responsible to work with a team which requires team building, negotiation, and conflict management skills for the effective managing of the tasks under their work place.

This paper prioritizes the skills development procedure for the doctors to work, organize and manage their roles and responsibilities effectively. It will discuss the roles and responsibilities of a doctor in managing day to day administrative systems within the practice. It will include the skills that require development from the audit to identify all those activities that are required to develop such skills.


With the expertise we mean knowledge that is put into practice, applied knowledge, as opposed to theoretical knowledge. There is a big difference between having theoretical knowledge in an area and to apply the knowledge or, put another way, to live his life based on that knowledge. This application of knowledge will require effective skills to develop personally (Timpson, 1998).

Every man working in any organization has resources that rarely comes into its own, or is expressed to the fullest. Personal development is to gain insight about their resources and learn how to use them in a way that contributes to the development of both the person involved and the organization in which they work.

Personal development is all about formulating problems and issues related to the work place and find ways to deal with it. Personal development is felt important and necessary in order to move forward and carry effective management of the work. To improve cooperation, develop the ability to take responsibility, to come up with initiatives, develop and use of the skills and manage conflict situations are the examples of areas that are common.

Roles and Responsibilities

As a practice administrator for GP doctor of NHS, I have been working to support doctor by managing day to day administrative systems within the practice. I have been looking forward to develop personal skills in managing the administration effectively. Following administration responsibilities have been identified in my work practice as follows:

Assisting the recruitment procedure and selecting new staff

Developing programs for training of new staff

Acting as a supervisor to manage the appointment system, for providing patients with consulting emergency appointment

Ensuring the completion of patients forms and delivering it to the Health authority

Ensuring the appointments of patients with nurses

Supervising the calls for cervical test and activities at reception desk

Delivering the mails and distributing them confidentially

After being seen by the GP, ensuring to file the patient records

Along with that, I ...
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