Personal Skills Development

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Personal Skills Development

Personal Skills Development


This study is concern the general framework of my professional and personal leadership development of strategic management at my organization. I will be presenting the details about what I consider to be in my current or future role for my clients, my team, my organization and myself. It is followed by the narratives of what I look like at my best with the understanding of my previous experiences. This report will reflect how I perform in current role with others and also the skills and strengths I have developed and discovered.

This strategic management position is designed for people who aim to:

Improve the competitiveness of my organization

Optimise the strategic utilisation of resources

Communicate effectively inside and outside the organization

Develop the management of my team into a coherent, mutually supportive and motivated group of people

My concept of lifelong learning

My concept of lifelong learning is as relevant now as it has ever been with the traditional job for life being replaced by shorter periods of work for different firms requiring essentially the same skills and qualities in employees. Therefore the ability for these skills to be transferable is very important. To develop these skills therefore is extremely important with many employers putting greater emphasis upon these core skills and less emphasis upon specific skills. These skills can be used in many different situations and circumstances to allow the employee to perform to the best of their ability.

The following skills are widely considered to be Core Transferable Skills

Organisational Skills

Interpersonal/ Social Skills

Analytic and Problem Solving Skills



Self Motivation

Initiative and Leadership

An effective organizational leader

The success of an organization depends on people working together and sharing a common purpose. The leaders need to focus on the workforce to identify their individual human needs. Leaders are affected by the constantly changing environment in which globalization plays a key role. Accordingly, the workforce is in the trend of diversification. Hence, an effective leader is an individual who displays transactional and transformational leadership. To be an effective organizational leader, I must know the dimensions of two leadership styles.

In a study by Kauchak, & Eggen, (2005) a transactional leader is an individual who clarifies subordinates role and task requirements, initiates structure, provides rewards, and displays consideration for subordinates. To meet these requirements within the business, the leader must be able to adjust the style of leadership to satisfy the subordinates.

A transformational leadership goes beyond transactional leadership techniques. Tickle, Brownlee and Nailon (2005) state that a transformational leader has the ability to inspire and motivate people to do more than the call of duty, in addition, innovative by bringing changes within the business such as upsizing the business entity.

How I need to be in my current role?

I need to be For my clients:





For my team

Able to adapt my leadership style

Able to effectively manage performance issues

Clear about the team's mission and vision

Contributing to positive emotions

Able to convey the key lessons of organizational effectiveness through stories ...
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