Life is all about self-identity and one cannot impose anything on the outside world unless and until they have got to know themselves. That is why once people explore their own insides they are in a position to brag to the outside world about what they possess on their own. This is what makes them immortal and makes them last forever in their own rites.
Task 1
The dynamics of business and the relationships with organizations that involve the use of knowledge are both evolving. Knowledge is powerful and valued as something to leverage over the competition. The push towards information technology and the Internet have made information and knowledge even more valuable (Ellingsen 2003 193). Although an intangible, knowledge is now referred to as intellectual property. Since not everyone shares the same values and goals, trust is not a given. Trust is also important in producing team work or a successful output from a group project involving multiple departments, functions, or companies.
With these changes are new types of trust that are emerging on a parallel path with the development of the economy. Trust is becoming a greater issue in terms of the knowledge-based activities that pervade today's information-intensive organization. This paper examines how the concept of trust, including internal and external trust, plays a role in today's organizational systems and processes.
As companies have come to value information and knowledge as a competitive advantage, the practice of knowledge management has expanded. It is considered a "discipline" that collects, manages and puts knowledge in action in order to keep a circular flow and continual development of that knowledge. Knowledge management involves "problem solving; creativity; reliance of individuals; high levels of education; and a degree of professionalism" (Ibberson 2000 221).
Task 2
It might also be a situation where a person might have to ask a colleague for their knowledge but want to do so without the fear of some sort of negative response or intention. Within organizations, people are willing to trust others that e exhibit the ability to listen, share, and collaborate. Even if technology figures out a way to put a mathematical equation to it or a computer reaches a statistical analysis, knowledge and trust will always be connected as an emotional transaction. People prefer personal interaction in which to attain the knowledge that is the most meaningful to them, so the relationship between the "knowledge seeker" and the "knowledge source" (Polk 2006 23) will continue to be part of every organization, maintaining the need to understand and apply the varying concepts around trust. That is because humans - whether involved in a business or personal relationship - we will always assessing, questioning, analyzing, and validating the information we receive from others.
Task 3
A change in demographics can introduce diversity to the workforce (George and Jones 2005 52). However, it doesn't guarantee that it's valued, respected, understood and used effectively. The challenge of leadership in managing diversity is inclusivity. Diversity, ethics and communication are three distinct elements ...