People In Organisation.

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People in Organisation

People in Organisation


This paper focuses on the analysis of a case study of the Howe Limited. For this purpose we will solve the two questions given at the end of the case in these questions it will be identified that what kind of needs Howe Limited trying to satisfy for its account personnel and how might the Delivering Maximum Performance (DMP) programme influence motivation and job satisfaction of employees in other departments?

Understanding the Case

The accounting employees at Howe Limited are increasingly pressurised by their work. The boss schedules more meetings, the phones ring continuously, employees from other departments want information urgently and the accounts staffs finds it hard to concentrate as work piles up. All of the accounting staff feels that their work has suffered due to the increasing pressure coming to the department. At Head Office the accounting staff there now has de-stress hours from 8.00am to 9.00am each working day. During this time they are supposed to focus on longer projects that require few disturbances and high concentration. The hour has been given the name ''Delivering Maximum Performance'' (DMP). The accounts team at head office value this time as they are now able to focus on key strategic issues and not on their routine work.

Case Analysis

Question 1:

Performance Management is basically a set of management processes, often supported by technology, that help to improve the strategic decisions people in organisations make every day. In the end it is the quality of those decisions that will separate successful companies from the rest. (Blanchard, 1997, 158-22) Performance Management is therefore a modern umbrella term for a set of management approaches that enable organisations to define and execute their strategy, and to measure and monitor performance in order to inform strategic decision making and learning. The basic performance management model integrates processes for defining strategic objectives, measuring performance, analysing performance and making decisions. All of these are focused on performance improvement which is the central premise of performance management. Despite the recent attention to achieving maximum performance, there is no standard interpretation of what that means or what it takes to get it. (Blanchard, 1997, 158-22) Still, Howe Ltd. should be aware of the various views and be able to choose its own. Information in this subsection will orient Howe Ltd. to what people are suggesting that it takes for organizations to achieve maximum performance. (Blanchard, 1997, 158-22) The phrase, "organizational effectiveness," is commonly referred to when discussing organizations that have achieved maximum performance. Perhaps one of the best overviews of the concept of organizational effectiveness is provided by Herman and Renz (2002). The authors identify nine fundamental propositions about organizational effectiveness in this type of situations. Their propositions were written about accounting organizations. However, they also apply to organizations in general and, thus; their descriptions are modified in the following paragraphs to apply to organizations in general. (Block, 1993, 33-41) Letts, Ryan and Grossman (1998) suggest four key capacities for organizational ...
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