Peace Domestic Violence Agency Organization

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Peace Domestic Violence Agency Organization

Peace Domestic Violence Agency Organization


Peace Domestic Violence Agency Organization is an organization against all the different kinds of human violence activities. The stakeholders in this program are generally the finding companies that find the projects like these. Generally speaking, we can say that the project stakeholder is someone who has interests, rights or other interests in the venture, enterprise, project or investment. Stakeholders are individuals and organizations that are directly involved in the creation of the project (taking an active part in its implementation) or are directly interested in the results of its implementation ( For the company implementing the project there is a group of stakeholders directly associated with it (such as manager, the team implementing the project) and stakeholders whose impact on the project is indirect (eg, NGOs, local authorities, the local community).


In an attempt to project stakeholder's classification, we can make a general division of - depending on space requirements and relationship with the company implementing the project - into two main groups:

Internal stakeholders, the people, institutions, organizations, whose activities directly associated with the project;

External stakeholders (indirect subsidiaries and interest in the results of the project), operating in the area (local community associations, business support organizations, NGOs).

Stakeholders are seen as a very important factor - in terms of the success of the project. Describing their role and the importance of using the comparison to the function of the heart (Stakeholders are the heart of successful project). This means that the project initiation stage, carefully identify and analyze the needs and expectations of all stakeholders in order to increase the chances of success of the project. The first process is the identification of stakeholders for a specific project, and then you have to identify their goals and level of interest in the project. Each project must therefore analyze the various groups of stakeholders (internal and external) - their role, impact, and the impact of interests and goals. Keep in mind that a thorough examination of the role and potential impact of all stakeholders is very important in the conceptualization phase of the project (

It can be seen that the expectations of external stakeholders and the role of projects are increasingly being perceived by the management. Fashionable recently the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR, corporate social responsibility) provides, among other things, that the company should recognize the needs of local communities and participate in meeting those needs, forming good relations and influence on improving the lives of groups and individuals in the immediate geographic vicinity. It is worth remembering that the improvement of the image of the company through the actions arising from the Corporate Social Responsibility also occurs as a result of the projects.

In an attempt to answer the question of what the expectations of the project to various groups of stakeholders, we can identify some of the key.

Internal stakeholders (shareholders, the owners of the company, the board) will very much interested in the implementation of the project ...
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