Violence Against Women

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Evaluate the extent to which the police are effective when they deal with violence against women.

Evaluate the extent to which the police are effective when they deal with violence against women


The most extensive violence of human rights is violence against women. These are the acts that are committed against women whether physically, sexually or mentally. The effects of these actions include physical injuries as well as sexual or reproductive health issues, risky behaviour, serious impacts on physical and mental health of the victim and even death. In order to eliminate violence against women many steps have been taken by countries, communities, international NGO's and many other bodies. Still much needs to be done to stop these acts of gender-based violence. In Uk, there are guide lines for police, social workers and educators to address the problem of forced marriages (Reid, 2003, 77).


Reports of violence against women first emerged in the 1970's. Studies across UK showed that home was not a place where women were totally safe and secure, as some of the cases of violence against women were directed by the male members of the family. In the succeeding years, United Nations took steps to safeguard women from these crimes and violence against women were made part of violation of human rights (Reid, 2003, 77).

Analysis of the Police's Past Record When Dealing with Sexual Violence

Until the 1980's, police's response and attitude towards crimes like violence against women was not as good as it should have been. They seemed reluctant to get involved in such a case even some of the police officers avoided reporting to such situations wherever they found it possible. Despite legislation being in place the police seldom responded and police were of the opinion that the private matters of a family or a couple did not require involvement of the police.

In UK, many cases of violence against women that were reported to police officials were momentarily taken back by the victims, as attitude of the police showed that they had no interest in investigating into the matter. UK Police officials are of the opinion that rape cases are very difficult to investigate, and they should not waste their time and avoid it as much as they can. Before 1980's, police culture in UK was that they used to involve a lot of paperwork which made the female complainant lose hopes that any progress will be made. The reasons behind issues not being reported to authorities and police are that separated victims were that they were doubtful of the efficacy of the police force, and had an opinion that police could not do anything about that crime (UN, 1997, 93).

"Violence against women is perhaps the most shameful human rights violation. It knows no geographic boundaries, culture or wealth. As long as we can not really say that we progress towards equality, development and peace" Kofi Annan-(Secretario General of the United Nations).

Stastics of Violence against Women in UK

Upto 3000 women have received financial, emotional and legal support from ...
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