Organizational Behaviour

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Organizational Behaviour

Organizational Behaviour

Despite all the hype and myths about the nature of groups and teams, it is simply a question of ensuring the right mix of skills and that all the members of the group cooperate with each other. Or is this an over-simplification?

As far as the concept of groups and teams concerned, it is not just a generalized concept, but it matters to an organization. However, it is important and vitals to implement, and execute the proper structured groups and teams in order to get the desired outcomes in an organizational setting. Created without planning and clear objectives, team “fictitious” workers can result in frustration, or worse, make them completely cynical about the process of team building (Kinni 1994, pp. 72).

On the other hand, a successful team discovers solutions which one person may never have thought. It takes advantage of the experience, ideas and knowledge of its members and offers new perspectives that encourage innovation. The task is perhaps not easy, but, by carefully selecting the members of your team's success by supporting and managing internal tensions, you can help build a positive environment that promotes the triumph of the teams rather than failure.

Team Building

The foundation of the team is critical and will determine the success or failure of the group. If the team is not well organized, prepared and supported, the chances of collapse are considerably higher. Here, are the essential elements for a strong and dynamic team:


The court of a good team consists of individuals who respect the ideas, experience and opinions of everyone, whether they agree or not. Give the team the same time to talk and make sure that everyone remains alert to the words of others (Thompson, Aranda & Robbins 2000, pp. 221). As team leader, it is essential that you give an example: show respect towards others' ideas (whether they are different from yours) and do not speak simultaneously or interrupt.


Although it seems easier to group people thinking the same way, this approach rarely produces the best results. Points of view, although they can sometimes raise controversy, can bring new elements to the issues and ideas left out and foster innovation.

Roles, Goals and Objectives Clearly Defined

What is the purpose of the team? What is the role of each member of the team? What is the aim of this working group? What are the deadlines? If these questions seem obvious, many teams have failed because their role, their purpose and their ultimate goals were never clearly defined (Fisher and Hunter 1998, pp. 283). The team members should have a clear idea of their role and expected outcomes. It is recommended to start communicating the goals and objectives of the team or to invite members to participate in their definition in the first meeting.


No team should be detached from the organization and function as an independent entity. To help members stay motivated and understand the value of their work, they must explain in detail the link between their project and their contribution to the organization ...
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