Organizational Behaviour

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Organizational Behaviour

Organizational Behaviour


This paper intends to discuss the most important tools for motivating employees within organizations. The organizational behavior determines the pattern of rewards provided in order to keep the employees motivated to perform their work activities efficiently and also to remain loyal towards the organizations. It has been observed that one of the most important and effective ways to increase the work motivation for the employees of an organization is providing them with financial rewards. Financial rewards remain one of the most important tools to motivate anyone to remain loyal to the organizations and their work.

In today's time, when the economic situation of every individual is worse, extra money provided from the organizations is always desirable by the employees and this motivation keeps them going with the work efficiently and effectively. Motivation is also considered extremely important in respect that employees must remain loyal with the organizations in today's extremely competitive business environment and financial rewards helps attaining this objective. The purpose of this paper is to make the reader aware about the significance of financial rewards in relation with increasing the work motivation within the employees of an organization.



The word motivation has originated from a Latin word “movere” which means to move. The typical definition of motivation states that it is a process that helps in arising, energizing, directing and satisfying an aim-oriented behavior and good performance. It is a result of the combination of external and internal factors that cause a certain work oriented behavior in favor of company. The common facts about human beings are that motivation is a factor that is already built in our systems; it is just required to be aroused and activated.

Motivation has a temporary duration, it does not stay for a longer period of time that's why managers and leaders are required to nourish and sustain motivational levels in employees after a certain time period on regular basis. Motivational employees are the key asset to a company, managers should utilize the managerial tools to motivate employees and direct their performance in order to achieve organizational goals. There are several theories and asumptions already presented with regard to motivation among employees but unfortunately each theory has both positive and negative points so as a result we cannot produce a genenral motivaltion theory (Armstrong, 2008. p. 34-50).

Motivational Theories

Maslow theory of Hierarchy of Needs state that there are five sets of goals, which represent the basic and necessary needs of life and they are Physiological, safety, love, esteem and self actualization. Maslow has explained that one can motivate someone only by fulfilling these needs. A person is motivated when he wishes to obtain or sustain the various conditions on which these factors depend. Firstly one's physiological needs are required to be satisfied and then the next need in chronological order.

Maslow has distinguished between lower and higher order needs. He emphasized on satisfying lower order needs first than higher order needs. Lower order needs are physiological needs, safety and love ...
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