Organizational Behaviour

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Organizational Behaviour

Organizational Behaviour


In today's business climate organizations are often faced with situations requiring careful evaluation? planning? and execution of solutions. To be able to adapt to the ever-changing business landscape companies must have strong leaders who empower the workforce? provide sound leadership? and ensure long-term success by making critical decisions to solve complex business problems. Additionally? organizational leadership must constantly evaluate the effectiveness of its business strategies? and how these strategies align with the organizations current state? its end-state goals? and organizational mission.

The intent of this paper is to show how organizations need to adapt to a changing business environment? work with the internal and external forces affecting the business? and the role played by strong leadership in the success of the organization. Using InterClean? Inc. (InterClean) as the subject of the case study? this paper will identify the issues? opportunities? and influential forces which will be considered in selecting the most appropriate solution for meeting the company's end-state goals.

Situation Analysis

InterClean? Inc. (InterClean) has been a prominent organization in the institutional and industrial cleaning and sanitation industry for more than 15 years. Since its inception? the company has executed numerous changes to adapt to the changing landscape of the business world. With recent regulations passed by federal and state regulatory agencies forcing businesses to comply with more stringent environmental and safety policies? InterClean's chief executive officer realizes an opportunity for the company to grow by responding to the evolving needs of its existing and potential clients. Clients are now more interested in services that include a wide-range of cleaning and sanitation products and professional services geared specifically to their needs. InterClean has an opportunity to be the first to convert from a product-based to a solution-based sales strategy. In addition? InterClean is poised for growth as the company acquires and merges with EnviroTech Corporation. As InterClean positions itself to convert to this new sales strategy with the merger? the company must reevaluate and modify all its business strategies to ensure a successful conversion.

Issue and Opportunity Identification

With the institutional and industrial cleaning and sanitation industry in a state of dramatic transition? InterClean's President and Chief Executive Officer David Spencer realizes significant changes have to be made in order to adapt to the industry requirements? satisfy its clients' needs? and seize the opportunity presented by the market shift. Spencer has developed a new strategy to align the company with customer and industry's expectations. Spencer's new strategy however? requires revolutionary change within the organization and its strategies. The radical changes require InterClean to switch its sales and business strategy from product-based selling to solution-based selling. The company has an opportunity to become a pioneer by integrating full-range professional services with its products instead of just selling cleaning and sanitation supplies. InterClean has the opportunity to be the first to offer such services? which would provide the company an opportunity to dominate the market.

As InterClean works on implementing the required radical changes? the changes are resulting into some major issues and conflicts within ...
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