Organisational Development

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Organisational Development

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The Three Important Themes3

Implementation of Strategies3

Organizational Behavior4

Change Management5

The Three Important Things for Companies Related to Organizational Development5

Role of Strategies in Organizational Development6

Role of Organizational Behavior in Organizational Development6

Role of Change Management in Organizational Development6


Organisational Development


To increase the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization, the organized-wide and deliberately effort is known as, organizational development. To increase the organization problem solving, cooperation among the employees, level of commitment and satisfaction of employees and the level of inter-personal trust among employees, to effectively manage conflict and to confront problems instead of neglecting them, are the main objectives of an organizational development (Porras & Robertson, 1992). This Assignment will address various case studies and the importance of organizational development, in accordance to them.


The Three Important Themes

All the studied case studies were relevant to organizational development and its elements. The three important themes that were recognized in the case studies were implementation of strategies with respective to the situations, organizational behavior and change management.

Implementation of Strategies

In the case study of 'Silvio Napoli at Schindler India', to establish a subsidiary, a young Italian worker, who was working for a Swiss multinational and is an MBA, was sent to India, to implement the strategy which he prepared as a strategic planner, at headquarters. In the case study 'Recruitment of a Star', in choosing a candidate, the importance of organizational strategies was considered so that the individual-organization fit can be maximized. In the case study, 'Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant', to drive toward a common goal, the strategies were implemented to motivate the diverse individuals of the organization who were having diverse needs.

In the case study, 'Henry Tam & the MGI Team', different strategies were implement to solve the issues that affected the progress of the team. In the case study, 'Empowering Language', strategy to empower the employees was implemented through the means of communication. In the case study, 'Kodak & the Digital Revolution', in light of new technology developments, the business strategy was discussed. In the case study, '3M India', innovative strategy was discussed, 'In India for India'; strategy was adopted by the company to provide the Indian market, a renewed thrust to innovation.

Organizational Behavior

In the case study 'Recruitment of a Star', the organizational behavior was considered with relevance to organizational performance management systems, structures and cultures. In the case study, 'Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant', organizational behavior was considered with relevance to the organizational impediments and ...
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