Operational Decisions

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Operational decisions

Operational decisions

Operational decisions

Operational marketing is designed to attract and keep customers by satisfying their needs with prompt customer service, at the highest level of quality and to do so in the shortest amount of time. Operational marketing is founded in meeting and them exceeding customer expectations. Operational marketing must also have its customer orientation balanced by efficiency in cost and time frame. Operational marketing must be incorporated with the marketing mix and forms of advertising in order to make sure that its processes remain of the highest quality while still allowing the company to handle a large number of transactions in as short a time as possible.

There are two main rules of operational marketing. They are that operational marketing is only effective when there are prospects worth advertising too. Operational marketing may involve sending letters or advertisements to the same group of people in the hope that those forms of marketing will eventually produce a customer who has read through the information. You have to have a niche that although they may disregard your marketing at first, may have the motivation to eventually take the time to hear what you have to say. (LePine, J. A. 2003, 34-67)

Another thing to keep in mind when it comes to operational marketing is that information is the driving force behind decision making. Marketers need to be consistent in providing their potential customers with the pertinent and valuable information needed to persuade the completion or a sale as well as repeat business. Even the presentation of this information to decision makers is a valuable part of operational marketing and should be approached must like journalism quality writings. Interest needs to be peaked by hard facts and accompanied by skilled writing. Operational marketing techniques are initiated after much careful thinking and deliberating. Operational marketing is a project management technique that can easily be compared to other more tangible projects of engineering and manufacturing. Operational marketing is a science and you need the right tools to use it correctly so it can be to your advantage. (LePine, J. A. 2003, 34-67)

Decision Making Levels Three levels of Human Resource can be distinguished from one another: Control (or tactical) Operational Strategic Again, HRM has to support each level. Strategic decisions are characteristically one-off situations. Strategic decisions have implications for changing the structure of an organization and therefore the HRM must provide information which is precise and accurate. Control decisions deal with broad policy issues and operational decisions concern the management of the organization. Human Resource Management are intended to support management decision making. Management has five distinct functions and each requires support from an HRMS. Which are : Planning Organizing Coordinating Decisions Controlling. (LePine, J. A. 2003, 34-67)

Top management is also the differentiating agent in more generalist activities: operational decisions and daily people management, and Policy making and diagnostic. In both of these types of activities, the distribution of agents is quite evenly spread among internal agents, with top management having a slightly higher input ...
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