Occupy Movement

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The Global Justice Movement / Occupy Movement

The Global Justice Movement / Occupy Movement

Q1 - Discuss the Impact of Internet and Other Digital Media on Global Justice Activism

Is the Internet a help to society? Has it improved the majority rules system advocated by democracy and expedited conveyance around the worldwide citizenry or has it essentially ended up being part of the prevailing customer society, handmaiden to private enterprise on its unending walk towards control (Van de Donk, 2004)? This is an enormous consideration and, even though various researchers have thought about it, the reply, maybe fundamentally, remains subtle.

A more sensible inquiry shows itself when one acknowledges some of the users of the Internet. Specifically, activists in the worldwide justice development have gripped computerized conveyance technologies in their battle against the negative effect of corporate a free market system on a global scale. The Internet has played an extraordinary part in the way this development has composed, activated, and spread informative data, empowering it to develop as an all inclusive organized drive for continuous social change. This novel blend of intelligent advanced technology and activism was expedited by "tech activists" -hackers, coders and programmers who subscribe to the philosophy of the free software movement yet are dedicated to the cause of attaining a just society. They are answerable for the outline of the virtual infrastructure utilized by activists. However notwithstanding fabricating and looking after sites, wikis, web logs, message accounts and mailing records, the aforementioned self-portrayed geeks are tweaking programming to help activists occupied with the new worldwide activism (Tarrow, 2011). In utilizing and improving technology that increases the idea of cyberspace as a virtual public circle, tech activists are improving the majority rule potential of the Internet. Their work, thusly, is changing not just the way individuals "do" activism; ...
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