Occupy La Movement

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Occupy LA Movement

Professor Smith


7, Dec, 2011

Occupy LA Movement

The rather polarizing Occupy Wall Street movement continues to go right across the nation, as Occupy LA movements were being shut down. All things considered, the actual shut down by the LAPD for Occupy Los Angeles could have ended in tragedy, but causalities appear to be nonexistent all things considered. Given how things could get rather ugly when protests such as the ones in Los Angeles for Occupy LA are being shut down, this rather has gone off without a hitch.

When one does consider the entire situation, having your protests shut down actually does lend strength to it. Whether true or not, it does make more people stand up and think that there is something to your protests. The movements in Los Angeles and Boston that have been shut down have not hindered the Occupy Wall Street movement but rather it has been enhanced (Naison, 2011). The Occupy LA movement had been warned that arrests would be made two days previously. Naturally that got their movement some publicity.

The lack of violence used to remove protesters outside some alleged shoving in Occupy LA, does prove that the government doesn't want to give this any more credence. Which means there are some people in high places who are sweating because of the movements across the nation in Occupy Wall Street (Naison, 2011). A violent shutdown at this point would really cause more people to turn on them. Some arrests were made, a reported two hundred at this point, but things could have gotten more ugly.

It does go without saying that the United States has had its share of problems in the forms of economics and government corruption as of late. It has taken a while to catch up with them but Occupy LA and like movements in Occupy Wall Street proves that everything has finally caught up (Melendez, 2011). Many people want change and protest is the way to force change for a government that might be too set in their ways.

Of course, there are going to be people who will jump on that bandwagon. Who perhaps like to stir the pot. Who perhaps remain true to the movement, only when they think that it will gain some head way (www.tech.mit.edu). If more protests get shut down, like Occupy Los Angeles, Occupy Boston, and more places, it will be intriguing to see what occurs next.

A rather unfortunate but accurate knock on this generation in America is that we lack the motivation to do things and to stick with things the long run. The Occupy movements such as Occupy LA might seem like a hot button issue right now, but six months down the line, will it even be a blip on the radar? Of course, things might get stretched out a little longer, with the 2012 Presidential Election coming along and the economy and people suffering being a hot button issue (Naison, 2011).

It will go without saying that there will be people running, whether for President ...
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