Occupy Movement

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Synthesis of Occupy Movement Value



Synthesis of Occupy Wall Street Movement Value


“Occupy Wall Street” is a movement of resistance without a leader, consisting of people from different regions, races, and political influences. The one thing they all have in common is that they are the 99% that will no more abide the gluttony and dishonesty of the 1%. They are adopting the radical Arab Spring approach to attain their ends and support the use of peacefulness to capitalize on the protection of all partakers.


"Occupy Wall Street" is the initiative of the "outraged" Americans who plan to camp in New York's financial district, to demand an economy to serve the people. The protest will add "outraged" around the world in their respective cities. A growing group of anti-war protesters commemorating the tenth anniversary of U.S. combat operations in Afghanistan marched from Seattle's Capitol Hill to Westlake Plaza, meeting up with the Occupy Seattle demonstration. There, hundreds of people peacefully joined to talk about the longest running war in the nation's history, as well as ending corporate greed and the woeful economic situation many Americans are finding themselves in.

Concerns Voiced

Through The Occupy Movement Occupy Wall Street Protest started in the mid of September. The apparent reason for the start of the protest is the economic, social and political issues. Although the agendas of different protestors are different, but, the few issues raised by protestors are as follows:

Financial Crises

According to some of the protestors and the placards which they were carrying, the bankers were not severely punished, although they were the main reason behind the collapse of the economy. The financial crisis of 2007-2008 has affected the economies of many nations of the world and the governments of these countries have designed several reforms, policies and strategies to minimize the ...
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