Synthesis Of Occupy Movement Value

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Synthesis of Occupy Movement Value

Synthesis of Occupy Movement Value


“Occupy Wall Street” is a movement of resistance without a leader, consisting of people from different regions, races, and political influences. The one thing they all have in common is that they are the 99% that will no more abide the gluttony and dishonesty of the 1%. They are adopting the radical Arab Spring approach to attain their ends and support the use of peacefulness to capitalize on the protection of all partakers. The movement has spread to several U.S. cities, both on the east coast and in western and central China. The demonstrations in his favor and to gather tens of thousands. The reactions aroused by the movement are diverse. As expected from the ranks of the Republican Party disqualified him, accusing him of going against the great values of the United States. Thus, the candidate for president Mitt Romney exclaims that the protesters worry that "want to start the class struggle."

The movement has been strengthened by the support given by the unions, which marched with the protesters in the large demonstration that took place in New York on October


"Occupy Wall Street" is the initiative of the "outraged" Americans who plan to camp in New York's financial district, to demand an economy to serve the people. The protest will add "outraged" around the world in their respective cities. A growing group of anti-war protesters commemorating the tenth anniversary of U.S. combat operations in Afghanistan marched from Seattle's Capitol Hill to Westlake Plaza, meeting up with the Occupy Seattle demonstration. There, hundreds of people peacefully joined to talk about the longest running war in the nation's history, as well as ending corporate greed and the woeful economic situation many Americans are finding themselves in. The movement has been strengthened by the support given by the unions.

Like the other movements led by young people throughout the world, "the indignant" New Yorkers are against the emergence of leaders who attempt to appropriate the movement. Take care, therefore, trade unions, which could introduce interests and compromises with which they disagree.

The indignation of the groups involved in Wall Street Occupy originates primarily in the government's inability to curb the greed and incompetence of large financial groups that triggered the economic crisis in 2008. They reflect the general discontent with the economic developments in the U.S. in recent years. The most recent Census Bureau reveal that country an unemployment rate of 16%, a sharp drop in the average income of the middle class (estimated a reduction of 3 thousand 600 dollars annually in the last decade), 15.1 % of the population (46.2 million people) is below the poverty line, and deepens the gulf between the situation of most people and the small group of privileged people, including bankers, who are becoming rich day. The disagreement, which includes distrust of political parties and, in general, towards all politicians do in Washington is not accompanied by elaborate proposals.

It is fair to say that the protests have already done something ...