Nurses At Risk From Aggressive Behavior

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Nurses at Risk from Aggressive Behavior

Nurses at Risk from Aggressive Behavior


The nursing staff is a major occupational group, which represents approximately 60% of human resources linked to hospitals, thereby constituting the backbone of health services. This group has special working conditions, represented by the continuity of service for 24 hours, the different categories of risk present in the workplace and predominantly female characteristic in those who exercise the profession, aspects which give it a connotation special, which requires, in like manner, a particular approach and participatory between the company and the entire nursing staff.

When analyzing the different variables associated with health and work, we can conclude that they are closely related, given that work is a vital element of people and to develop the work is required to have adequate health conditions, on the other hand, the engine of economic and social development of a country it is the working population, a situation which commits the government to develop policies that preserve these rights. Since the promulgation and enforcement of Law, Protection of the health of the working population was regulated defined the General System of Occupational Risks, with limited coverage to workers dependents, without any kind of solidarity for independent and informal workers. However, nurses are at risk from the aggressive behavior.


Health conditions and work of nurses have been deteriorating steadily worldwide, a situation that has been reflected in reduced demand admission to the course and the desertion of the Profession. This has caused great alarm in international bodies like the ILO (International Labour Organization) and WHO (World Health Organization), which considered essential nursing service health care of people.

What is Aggressive Behavior?

Aggressive behavior is "any form of verbal, nonverbal or physical behavior least, for which the patients themselves, other people or their property is a threat increase represent or physical conduct, which the patient himself, other persons or property were harmed.

Aggression is an interpersonal phenomenon. Without a social context there is no aggression. Of aggression is always someone affected, and it occurs frequently in contact with other all other persons (Barak, 2001).. There is also a form of aggression, which affects one's own person, For example, self-injurious behavior or suicidal acts. This form of aggression is called self-aggression. Clearly, aggressive and in the everyday care frequent verbal threats and insults, tests, that have no physical impact, affected by the care- forces or patients / residents are still perceived as very stressful. There are four different types of aggressive Behavior

First verbal aggressive behavior, patients or residents, the curse to himself and others insult or threaten to do violence.

Second non-verbal threats of violence such as "" stomp his foot, spit or threatened with the cane.

Third physically aggressive behavior includes both an intentional destruction of Objects and the use of physical violence.

Even fourth-looking aggression, for example, in self-injury or in Expressed suicidal acts.

Individual, Cultural, Organizational, Supervisory, and Social Support Factors That Cause Aggressive Behavior

The cause of “Aggressive Behavior” from a professional working with people who may be infringing the sense of justice not only to him but also to other members of the team: lack ...
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