People have assumed for quite some time that there is a link between brain dysfunction and criminal behavior. This is documented through decades of public opinion research. Historically, empirical findings have been mixed, with some studies showing no relationship and others showing a significant correlation. Upon review of the research, it seems that little to no empirical relationship was documented between brain dysfunction and criminal behavior or violence. A variety of researchers has examined this issue in more detail, and most research does support a relationship between brain dysfunction and criminal behavior. Many believe that the results were mixed for so long due to methodological issues with the research that has been able to be addressed. This study addresses the research with regard to the empirical relationship of criminal behavior with the cognitive disorder, perceptual, behavioral disorder and learning disorder, as well as explores some of the theoretical implications of this relationship.
In a past study of a group of child offender, compared with a group of adult offenders with no learning problems, the same socioeconomic level, age and sex, shows similar characteristics in both over poor family structure and learning problems. There are many studies to explain criminality in the biological perspective, in addition, it is said that it is not an event or pattern. However, research try to explore new or more specific variables that include a huge variety of factors of brain dysfunction that affects the criminal behavior.
Clinically there is a high proportion of history of childhood brain dysfunction syndromes in its variety of hyperkinesia in both groups. The risk of brain damage shows no discrepancy between the two groups. The main differences are in the departure of the mother's home for work that is attention ...