Nurse Manager

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Nurse Manager

3 ways to improve the health care system

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3 ways to improve the health care system


The aim of this assignment is to suggest three ways which can bring about improvement in the health care system. In this assignment, three areas have been focused which are supervision of the medical personnel who do not posses license by professional nurses, levels of the medical staff in nursing homes and the programs which are being offered by the health care for prevention of certain diseases. In the following paragraphs the above mentioned points have been discussed in detail.

Supervision of non-personnel medical staff

The non-personnel medical staff of the healthcare is prone to make flaws and mistakes while giving treatment to the patients. It is the responsibility of nurse manager to provide guidance to them so that they do not face any difficulty while doing their work. Their activities should be monitored closely. The manager nurse should make sure that they are following the right course while delivering the treatment to the patients. The registered nurses should ascertain that their assistants have completely learned all the ways of dealing the patients. After getting full assurance they can certify them as competent nurses.

Staffing of nurses

The staffing requirements of the nursing homes depend on the number of patients eho are being given the treatment by the nursing homes. However, the nursing homes should employee more nurses than the requirement to cope up with the emergency situations. There should also a few nurses on standby in case if any nurse is seeking leave from the nursing home.

Programs offered by nursing homes

There are various programs which are being offered by different nursing homes. However, the main programs are Room and board facilities for older patients, monitoring of medication, personal care (including dressing, bathing, and toilet ...
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