Nurse Leader Interviewing For Job

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Nurse Leader Interviewing For Job

Nurse Leader Interviewing For Job


The execution of chief international and local reforms has occurred in the field of nursing to demonstrate the leadership skills to the nurses (McKenzie, Manley, 2011). The organizations are always in dire need of astounding productivity, increasing the innovation and delivering the quality of care to patients. This is carried out by choosing the competitive and well acknowledged nursing professionals. The nurse leaders hold the prime responsibility of taking the interviews of the nursing applicants, and selecting suitable candidates for the jib. This assignment focuses on the interviewing of a job applicant, which is an essential responsibility of the nurse leader.


Nursing Leaders in Interviewing Applicants

Interviews are an integral part of the professional performance, ensuring proper the assessment, evaluation and selection of an appropriate candidate for the job. For a profession as critical as nursing, the interviewing holds key value as the experts selected directly affects the person's health. Before conducting an interview, it is essential that the nursing leader should be well prepared with the questions he wishes to ask the applicant. The questions should be well formed and capable of determining the capabilities of the applicant as a nursing professional, and in accordance with the particular field.

Important Questions to Be Asked

In an interview, it is vital that the open-ended questions should be entertained. The open ended questions refer to the questions, to which the interviewee has to respond in detail (Britten, 1995). The questions should be focused on professional and personal competency of the individuals, giving an insight of his character as a nurse. The nurse leader should try to judge the knowledge of the experts regarding the nursing practice, code of ethics, grip over clinical practice, acknowledgement of patient care and support and humanities. Some important questions that should be asked are

What is nursing profession in your point of view? Why did you choose this profession?

What will you do if a patient keeps complaining of pain and gets rude for no apparent reason?

As nursing is a challenging career, how will you handle the stress?

What are your future goals? Where do you see yourself after 5 year from now?

Questions to Be Avoided

It is essential that the nurse leader should avoid asking close ended questions. The reason behind this obligation is that these questions provide with little opportunity of analyzing the personality of the person. Some common examples of such questions are ...
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