My Leader Interview - Tim Cook

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My Leader Interview - Tim Cook

My Leader Interview - Tim Cook

Background of Tim Cook

Tim Cook is the new CEO of Apple Inc who joined the company in early 1998 as Senior Vice President. He was responsible for looking after both Worldwide sales and operations and was later promoted to the position of Chief Operating Officer. The fact that the man has had the honor of being so close to the maestro and management guru Steve Jobs makes him the most viable choice for my interview paper. He became the CEO of Apple Inc. in the year 2011 and has made many positive changes to the company so far. Currently, he is the highest paid leader of any organization in the world. Under his leadership, the company has come up with the new model of iPhone which has taken over the mobile phone and tablet market by storm. It is the new thing and the in thing. It is something that has made the developed world gone gaga after it.

The man is an excellent leader and has, to some extent, followed in the footsteps of the founder Steve Jobs. The following section of the paper represent the questions and answers that were asked from the management guru and my personal analysis and learning from the interview.

Questions and Answers

Is there a person or someone who has had a great impact on you as a leader? It could be anybody and why and how did this person impact your life?

Being a part of Apple Inc. and that too in a key leadership position, I think it is impossible to get influenced by Steve Jobs. His management style is an example not only for people working for Apple Inc. but also for leaders and managers across the globe. I think what I really like about him is the fact that though he was controversial, his genius has never been denied. He is truly an inspiration for me and I feel honored to have taken up control of things after him. He made it possible for Apple to make strides of innovation while maintaining financial sustainability. I think that is something that he will be remembered for for ages. He was one of a kind and the world and Apple have lost a treasure after he bid adieu to his worldly existence.

What are the most important decisions you make as a leader of your organization?

I think being the CEO of this organization, I am responsible for everything. It is all how you see it. There are people who have job roles where they have to make a limited number of decisions and they can afford to make some wrong decisions. As far as I am concerned, I cannot afford to make mistakes as my mistake will have a trickle down affect on the rest of the organization. In simple words, I am making all the major decisions as well as looking after the day to day activities of the organization I am in ...
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