Essential Job Skill

ESSENTIAL JOB SKILL Writing-An Essential Job Skill

Getting Started- Writing and your career

Writing An Essential Job Skill

Wrtiting for the global market place

Competing for international business

Communication with global audiences

Seeing the world through their eyes

Cultural diversity at home

Using International English

Four Keys to effective Writing

Indentifying your audience

Some questions to Ask About your Audience

Case Study: Writing to different Audiences in a Large Corporation

Establishing your purpose

Formulating your message

Selecting your style and tone



Case Study: A description of Heparin for two different audiences

Characteristics of Job related Writing

Providing practical information

Giving facts, not information

Supplying visuals to clarify and condense information

Giving accurate measurements

Stating respomsibilites precisely

Persuading and offering recommendations

Writing persuasively to ...
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