Neurpsychiatric Disorders

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Cognition in Children with Neuropsychiatric Disorders

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The paper discusses the neuropsychiatric disorders in children with emphasis on ADHD and ASD. The paper briefly describes the neuropsychiatric disorders and its sub types. Moreover, it discusses the findings of various other researches conducted on similar topics. The paper intensively looks upon the topics of ADHD and its implications upon children's personality, and the various influences that play its part upon ADHD. It also discusses ADHD in connection with WICS and the cognitive ability of children.

Table of Contents




Neuropsychiatric Disorders1

Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)1

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)2

Effect of Motivation on Children with Neuropsychiatric Disorders2

Intellectual Performance among Children with Neuropsychiatric Disorders3

ADHD and Twin Studies4

Use of WISC to Measure the Distractibility Factor in Neuropsychiatric Disorders5

Child ADHD and Temperament Traits5

Personality Differences in Children with AHDC and Conduct Disorder6

Cognitive Ability and TCI in Children with ADHD and ASD7



Cognition in Children with Neuropsychiatric Disorders


Children with neuropsychiatric disorders mostly have cognitive control deficits. These deficits are reduced when motivation is increased through tangible resources. Deficits in cognitive controls ability have been observed in children with neuropsychiatric disorders. However, this paper investigates the relationship between the cognitive ability and the neuropsychiatric disorders. These deficits plague the children with neuropsychiatric disorders throughout in adulthood. Moreover, children with neuropsychiatric disorders received low scores on (WISC). Furthermore, the risk of impairment increased among the siblings and twins of children with neuropsychiatric disorders.


Neuropsychiatric Disorders

Neuropsychiatric disorders are the disorders that deal with the disorders and diseases attributable to the nervous system. It involves two different fields of study that is neurology and psychiatry that are merged into one to for neuropsychiatry. Although, both neurology and psychiatry are studied and practiced separately; however, neuropsychiatry has become a subsequent part of psychiatry and is practiced within the domains of psychology and psychiatry.

Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

ADHD is a development disorder that deals with attention and hyperactivity in the childhood years. Children suffering from this disorder have a hard time paying attention to lectures and have trouble keeping up with their peers in school. This leads to underachievement, participation in special classes, and additional academic tutoring.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

ASD pertains to pervasive development disorders. This includes many disorders such as autistic disorders, Asperger's disorder, Rett's Disorder etc. It includes disorders characterized by social deficiency, cognitive deficiencies, communication difficulties, and stereotyping.

Effect of Motivation on Children with Neuropsychiatric Disorders

The ability to examine ongoing performance within a dynamic setting is an essential part of cognitive control. Severe deficiencies have been observed in cognitive abilities among children with (ADHD) attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, as well as children with (ASD) autism spectrum disorder. According to a study, when children with neuropsychiatric disorders ADHD were made to believe that they are playing a game against others they were more capable of putting their cognitive abilities to work in a more effective manner. Although, children with ADHD require more time to complete the tasks then the normal children. The study also proved that the performance among the children with ADHD increased ...
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