Psychiatric Disorders

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Children with Psychiatric Disorders


In this study we try to explore the concept of “Psychiatric Disorders in Children” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “Psychiatric Disorders” and its affect on children. The research also analyzes many aspects of “Psychiatric Disorders” and tries to gauge its effect on “environment”. Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible for “Psychiatric Disorders” and tries to describe the overall effect of “Psychiatric Disorders” on “children”.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1 Introduction4


Aim of the research5

Research Questions5

Significance of the Research6

Chapter 2 Literature Review7

The mental health of children7

Causes of Disorders in Children8

How do you deal with your child?8

Factors leading to child psychiatric disorder9

Familiar Psychiatric Disorders9

Anxiety Disorders10

Eating Disorders11

Mood Disorders11

Sleep disorders11

When should parents seek help?12

Where can the parents get help from?12

Available treatments13

Chapter 3 Methodology14

Research Methodology14



Chapter 1 Introduction


The child who has a serious psychiatric disorder is suffering from a serious disease that can affect many aspects of his life and the lives of all those who are closely related to him. These aspects can include a child's emotions, social, intellectual or language ability (Aday, 1994). Children with serious psychiatric disorders may also have physical problems or may be mentally retarded.

When a psychiatrist examines a child to determine if he has a serious psychiatric disorder, it is based on one of the following symptoms:

No smiles to the child's parents or other caretakers;

Acting oddly or looking strange;

Lack of movement or facial expression;

Speaking in a strange way or have a private language that no one understands;

Conducting strange conversations with himself;

Making strange repetitive movements such as spinning like a top, shaking the arms or head banging

Showing panic when going from one place to another.

There are many types of serious psychiatric disorders. The name given to the child's disease depends on the combination of above symptoms presented and the severity of the disease. Serious psychiatric disorders persist for a long time and can last a lifetime. However, when a child does not show signs of any of the above mentioned symptoms, his ability to perform daily is usually better. When parents worry that their child may have a serious psychiatric disorder, they must ensure that they make a thorough and comprehensive psychiatric assessment as soon as possible.  Parents, pediatricians, teachers and others who see the child regularly, can be very useful to carry out an initial assessment of the problem. (Ormel, VonKorff, and Oldehinkel, 1994)

A thorough and comprehensive evaluation and treatment plan requires the services of a child and adolescent psychiatrist, who coordinates their observations with those of parents, special educators, pediatricians, neurologists and the results of psychological testing and development.

The comprehensive treatment plan involves coordinating several of the following factors:


specialized learning programs,

programs to teach social skills and behavioral programs,

psychiatric medications

Special schools or hospitals and the active participation of the family.

Aim of the research

The research aims to assess the different kinds of Psychiatric Disorders found in children.

Research Questions

The study will analyze the following research questions:

What is a psychiatric disorder?

What are the different kinds of psychiatric disorders that can affect children?

What are the ...
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