Negotiation Skills

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Negotiation Skills

Negotiation Skills


The key to effective negotiation is clear communication, which involves the ability to communicate the problem and understand the interests of the other parties. You can not get one of the skills to work separately from the other. The negotiations are most effective when people are able to clearly identify and discuss the sources of their disagreements and misunderstandings. Negotiations begin with a clear and meaningful explanation of the problem. The parties need to present facts and figures and negotiate on the basis of rationale. The process of negotiation may include a number of strategies such as integrative and distributive negation and Batna.


Negotiation for the Approvement of the Project

Waste and the associated risks are becoming an increasing problem in environmental protection of the country. The administration of the government needs to emphasize on the growth of waste management practices with respect to development of technologies to minimize waste, as well as those associated with their disposal and economical use. Of considerable importance is also the emergence of the relevant legislation in this area and educational programs on proper handling of impurities (Cole, 2000). The main cause of excessive amounts of waste resource management is irrational. According to estimations, the United States produce around 120 million ton of industrial waste annually, of which about 70% is destined for recycling, 20% for disposing, and the rest for storing temporarily.

There is a need to focus on undertaking and initiating projects that can improve the waste management practices of the country, which can be beneficial for future prospects. It is worth mentioning that such projects will help in the economic growth of the country, as well. The collected landfill waste to a large extent can be used as secondary raw material, whose value is estimated at hundreds of million dollars. Furthermore, 25% of this waste is coal, 35% zinc, lead, iron and other metals, and 40% are components such as ash, slag, waste rock, gravel, and others. In addition, the landfill is discharged each year about 10 thousand tons of municipal solid waste and 10 million m3 to 15 million m3 of liquid waste. Unfortunately, huge domestic and industrial waste is properly collected, but the existence of a modern enterprise is still missing (Ageton, 2007).

The introduction and implementation of proper waste management business is extremely important with respect to sociological and psychological aspects of the country. The department of commerce can ensure appropriate provisions, consistent control, reward and punishment system, and initiate investments in environmental protection. Moreover, the Department Of Commerce can ensure the establishment of manufacturers, who use goods suitable for reusing and recycling, recycling of packaging and using environmentally friendly technologies.

The proposed project for effective waste management will be beneficial as it will contribute towards sustainable development and exploitation of resources, which will satisfy the needs of present and future generations. The project is based on the belief that, in nature, nothing is lost, and everything is something. The project will create appropriate environmental awareness and shape hierarchy of ...
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