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Nanotechnology And Its Impacts On The Environment: A Critical Overview


In this research we study nanotechnologies, early evidence of the much greater energy demands of producing nanoparticles, the significant quantities of potentially toxic waste their production generates, and the ecotoxic behavior of many nanoparticles themselves has cast doubt on industry claims that nanotechnology offers green solutions to the current ecological crises. In numerous ways, nanotechnologies are an example of tried technological-fix to troubles that in truth require communal, financial and/or political answers. They are therefore concerned that rather than providing real solutions to our most pressing problems, nanotechnologies will underpin a new wave of industrial expansion that will magnify existing resource and energy use and exacerbate environmental destruction. Without a proper and comprehensive risk and life cycle analysis to balance the current commercialization of high-risk applications with little or no proven societal benefits, environmental costs could be high and the technology as a whole distrusted or rejected by the public.

Table of Contents



Background Of The Research1

Theoretical Framework1


Positive Impacts on Environment4

Negative Impacts on Environment6

Studies Analysis6

Nanotechnology Safety Issues7

Moral Issues Studies9

Initial Level Studies11

Toxicity Studies15

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency18

Nanotechnology & Environment: Mismatch between Claims & Reality23

Environmental Benefits Claims & Mismatched Reality24

Cleaner or dirtier production24

Energy saving or demanding25

Broader ecological advantages or costs25

Manufacturing Nanomaterials Energy and Cost26

Nanomaterials Commercially & Environment Toxic27

Solar Energy Achievements28

Carbon Nanotubes Proposed29

Carbon Nanotubes weaken Rice Yields30

Water filtration30

Better Governance Of Technological Innovation31




Background Of The Research

In early 1950, the era of microtechnology spawned a technological transformation with resulting in the development of the computers which placed man in the vibrant budding age of nanotechnology (Dreher, 2004). The edifice of nanotechnology reposes on science's novel potential to tweak matter at the minimum size on the category of atoms and molecules (Scheufele, 2007). Among the technological spheres, nanotechnology is experiencing the fastest growth, leading scientists to carry out their research at the point of molecules, one atom at a time, in order to build equipment as well as structures having basically novel utilities and distinctiveness (“Nanotechnology - Toxicological matters and Environmental Safety”, 2006). Almost all the first hand details regarding nanotechnology have been encouraging; nevertheless scientists must remember that not every nanomaterial will have beneficial effect. (Goldman; Coussens, 2005) Several consider nanotechology as a high threat genie existing in a bottle which if uncorked has the capability to create situations which are unpredictable and unchangeable creating human health and environmental hazards (Hunt; Mehta, 2006). Hence, it is extremely vital to recognize the harmful characteristics of the nanotechnology prior to launching it into the market.

Theoretical Framework

At the time of availing the benefits of this novel technology in the spheres of environment, health, and sustainability, scientists must study the adversity in human health and environment (Goldman; Coussens, 2005). The achievement of the uses based of promising nanotechnology will depend on understanding of toxicology and threats caused by the exposure. (“Nanotechnology - Toxicological Issues and ecological Safety”, 2006) 

With the manufacture of new nanomaterials, there are new threats to human health and environment emanating from the series of waste ...
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