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Has multiculturalism failed in the UK?

Has multiculturalism failed in the UK?


In this everchanging world of globalization, how one should create equity among national and people beloging to diversified identities?. In modern era, this question is veiwed as most essential questions of this modern society of the twenty first century. The emering conversation and debate on the concept of multiculturalism has become the most debatable topic of the country and has able to expand its boundaries at unbelivable level of debth and value. Moreover, in year 2011, David Cameron disclosed in his address that the concept of “state multiculturalism” has miserable failed to accomplish desired goals, and thus, now the British society is in urgent need of tough and adequalte nation al identity.

The UCLU Debating Society was bestowed with the previlage and opportunity of hosting an unbelievable group of people on 10th of December to argue on issue that either the concept of muticulturalism has really finished. Individual that were debating in support the “multiculturalism has failed” compriese of Nazir Azfal known as the chief prosecutor of North West crown prosecution service, Ayub Hanif, a student of doctrol studing and practicing in UCL, former and well known president of the debating society, and finally including the well known and experienced lecturer Kenan Makik

Meanwhile group that was arguing against the topic comprises of some of well known and experienced personals including (Director of Jewish council for racial equality, the charimen of British Museum, and Ajmal Masroor the well known councellor and braodcaster (Parekh, 2009, pp. 105-109). The intention was extremely clear, as Kenan Malik explained the concept of multiculturalism as a mixture of state rules and regulation which are primalyu in favor of prospering of ethnic and religious communities across the country.

They futher debated that this system has mainly because it was considered the prime source of allowing individual to force the upper hand of their group and religion among other growps , and further providing and expanding the rights of smaller communities through the efforts of some individual leaving nearer to every such communities.

Chief prosecutor of north west crown “Nazir Azfal” raisedscertain points that were primariy based on the results of several cases that he one took in which individual perticularly female population have been treated as animals, torture to death by members of the society under the concept of honour killing that is prevailing under the society. The presenter further explained that federal state must not change their stance towards questioning communities, and that the concept of multiculturalism clearly move towards complexity and uneveness. Meanwhile he further concluded that a society is considered appropriate for every one in which right is given to everyone (Russon, 2011, pp. 188-201)

On the other hand, a brilliant and aspiring student of doctorate “Ayub Hanif” agreed with the above fact, and explained that the point in which a value of community tends to this match, or affect the value of country, than such values must be stoped from ...
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