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Multiculturalism in UK

Multiculturalism in UK


It is the first expression of cultural pluralism, which promotes non-discrimination on grounds of race or culture, celebration and recognition of cultural difference and the right to it.

Multiculturalism is located within multiculturalism philosophy of cultural pluralism, is both a factual situation as a proposed social organization. Within the pluralist paradigm, the multiculturalism emerged as a model of public policy and as a philosophy or social thought to react to cultural uniformity in times of globalization.

It is designed as an opposition to the tendency in modern societies towards unification and universal culture, which celebrates and seeks to protect cultural diversity, while focusing on the common relations of inequality of minorities over the majority cultures. In the genesis and expansion of multiculturalism were especially influential straight lines in North America and some countries in Western Europe, particularly the UK. It has subsequently been added and multicultural multi important considerations, from the Latin American proposals in relation to autonomy and self determination of indigenous peoples. Multiculturalism has been challenged from positions directly from political and theoretical positions of strong ideological critical depth.

Reflection of ethno cultural diversity in UK social policy today is not the only subject of a number of ongoing academic research and conferences. It has an important place this problem in the publications of British media and, moreover, that the matter seriously concerned about the government and parliament of Great Britain. Academic periodicals, monographs, a number of Western writers of the last decade, government documents submitted, including at ministerial and official web sites on the Internet, contain a large number of sometimes quite opposing views on the multicultural nature of modern Britain.

On the one hand, it certainly points to the continued relevance of multiculturalism in part of Europe. On the other hand, it may concern, as long as the debate does not end the development of a more or less conceptual national strategy for British multiculturalism.

Multiculturalism in UK

Within the United Kingdom many years ago, black and Irish citizens experienced extreme racism by the white citizens within the UK. In the past the UK has seemed to be overly populated by white citizens and when the country changed to a more multi-cultural Britain, it was found that people of different race and ethnicity were experiencing extreme prejudice and were often targeted for being of a different color to the average white British Citizen. Within the UK in the past weren't able to gain jobs due to the prejudiced they faced from British people. Within shop windows there would be signs up saying no blacks no Irish, Therefore black people and Irish people were experiencing racism at this time and were not able to gain jobs and were often no allowed in shops by local citizens.

Ethnic minorities, colors and diversity have made British society more colorful. These colors and beauties once played important role in economic and cultural development, but the present shape of Britain's social and cultural diversity, prevailing criminal culture and institutional racism have threatened national security and social ...
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