Models Of Intelligence

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Models Of Intelligence

Models Of Intelligence

Intelligence is defined as the ability to excel at a variety of tasks, especially those related to academic success. Throughout history there have been many theorists who study intelligence. The three main models of intelligence reviewed in this website are Spearman's Model, Sternberg's Model, and Gardner's Multiple Intelligences. They are all different theories of intelligence and they suggest that there may be more than one kind of intelligence.

Sternberg and Gardner both suggest that people should be evaluated on the basis of factors other than scores on standard intelligence tests. Relying on these scores will cause us to overlook a person's other strenghts.

Howard Gardner was born in 1943 and is still alive today. Gardner originally proposed the existence of seven multiple intelligences. Gardner's view is that there is more to intelligence than verbal and mathematical abilities measured by intelligence tests. In 1998, Gardner added one more form of intelligence to the previous seven kinds.

Verbal/Linguistic - This involves sensitivity to spoken and written language, the ability to learn language, and the capacity to use language to accomplish certain goals. Writers, poets, lawyers, and speakers are those who have high linguistic intelligence.

Musical - This intelligence involves the skill in performance, composition, and appreciation of musical patterns. This is evident in composers, singers, and musicians and runs in parallel with the linguistic intelligence.

Logical/Mathematical - This intelligence consists of the ability to analyze problems logically, carry out mathematical operations, and investigate issues scientifically. This intelligence is most used in science and mathematics.

Visual/Spatial - This intelligence involves the potential to recognize and use the patterns of wide space and more confined areas. This intelligence is useful in art and navigation and observed in artists, pilots, and astronauts.

Bodily Kinesthetic - This intelligence is the ability to control body motions and to ...
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