Mini-Case A

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Mini-Case A

Mini-Case A

Case Description

The plan is to introduce a Centralized Learning Network (CLN) with the process initiating from the corporate office in Dallas, TX expanding it later across the organization. This is a significant move by Briargrove as a learning organization. This private secure network is aimed to provide access to local, national and global new services and will be used by all employees of the organization. Research section on this network would provide national and internet databases and archives, the company's internal library and archives of current and past projects with the aim to facilitate an open, learning and progressive environment for the benefit of the organization and also its customers.

Important aspects to consider

A centralized learning environment is one in which control over all aspects of learning are via a single centralized learning network. The independent learning groups each has their own systems, programs and approaches to learning will now merge into one bringing in expertise from each. This is aimed to provide a central learning strategy based on various factors such as operational excellence and learning effectiveness (Seeds & Khade, 2008). Such a network is aimed to support the organization in transforming performance through learning, directing the attention towards the achievement of maximum efficiency and also effectiveness from the learning investment. The project is intended to serve the purposes of aligning the business such that the learning strategy is in alignment with the business objectives. It is also introduced for the purpose of standardizing the procedure of systems and processes of learning to introduce a single learning system so that the administration of it can be simplified (Smith, 2012).

The project in Brief

Under the senior leadership or the CLO the project will operate. The centralized functions of the project would comprise of management and leadership programs, executive education programs, new employee training, continuous educating programs, certain compliance programs and project management training. For these centralized functions various kinds of learning services will be provided ranging from the development of the material/content to vendor management. These would also include learning management system support, measurement, content integration, skills and competency management etc. The project would also require enterprise technology platforms such as learning management systems, virtual classrooms, assessment tools, authoring tools and simulation tools. The centralized functions will provide with adequately learned employees to the business units while the learning services and the technology platforms will need to be designed in ...
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