Mini Anthology Research Report

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Mini Anthology Research Report


The literary work produced with in the United States and its surrounding colonies is known as American Literature. Currently, the American Literature is different from what is used to be in the past. From the beginning of the 21st century, an increase in the acceptability of all types of Literature was witnesses. The famous authors of the contemporary American Literature are all inspired by the authors of the past. For instance, the authors involved in writing speculative fiction, usually cites Lewis of having a major influence on them. The century has also witnessed the rise in the number of fiction and non-fiction books. A lot of these books were made into movies, making them blockbusters from the theatrical point of view as well, in this regard the Twilight Saga and the Series of Harry Potter are worth-mentioning (Rankie and Swell, pp. 67-74).

Books and novels from the past are translated into easy English so as to make them useful for the youth of the 21st century. The genres upon which different books have been written in 2011 include literature, fiction, non-fiction, science fiction and fantasy, poetry and crime and thrillers. A lot of other books from the same genres are expected to be published this year (Skipp, pp. 85-90).

At present, the genre, which is read the most in American Literature, is fiction and thriller; due to which movies are also made on the fiction books. In addition, in the last 30 years, the American Poetry has witnessed a number of changing trends. The language schools in the United States now have a higher proportion of women representing the trend of rediscovering and promoting the poetry written by women poets in the past. The poets can be termed as American because of their involvement in writing contemporary English, which is highly promoted across the country and the globe simultaneously. These poets try to inculcate the current American trends of writing (topical, proactive and easily understandable) in their poetry so that the American poetry can be propagated without altering its traditional charm (Baym, pp. 9-20).

For this attraction towards American Literature and to identify how stories and poems written by some American poets and authors I decided to compile an anthology of stories and poetries. In this regard, I have chosen the two stories, namely Captain Murderer by Charles Dickens and The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe. The poetries which I have chosen are The Cool Web by Robert Graves and Goad Gave a Loaf to Every Bird by Emily Dickinson. In the forth-coming part of the paper, I would be analyzing how these stories are connected. In my opinion, what makes my anthology special is that I have selected the stories and poems which carry the same theme and are meant for people who like to enjoy reading above topics of love and madness of mind.


In this section I would be presenting my own point of view about the poetries and novels which I have selected for my ...
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