Metamorphosis Of Narcissus

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Metamorphosis of Narcissus

Metamorphosis of Narcissus

Salvador Dali

 Salvador Dali was born in early spring 1904 in the bosom of a bourgeois family, sanctimonious son of a notary and a sensible lady fond of birds. He later wrote: "At three years to become a chef. At five I wanted to be Napoleon. My ambition has not only grown and is now coming to be Salvador Dali and nothing more. On the other hand, this is very difficult because, as I approached Salvador Dali, he turns away from me. "

Since the relentless persecution and the target would not have ever attained, and since in any corner of his biography was intended to find balance and peace, decided to be excessive at all, performed many characters and sublimate their anguish into a plurality humorous and sordid delusions (Gibson, 1997). It defined itself as "polymorphous perverse, behind and anarchic," "soft, weak and repulsive," but to win this laborious advertising image before saving was some evidence of initiation, and if the favorite game of their first child was wearing the King's suit, and to his ten years, when painting as The Sick Child, explores the benefits of appearing weak and nervous constitution. His precocity is striking: at twelve he discovered the French Impressionist style is impressionistic and, at fourteen and has acquaintance with the art of Picasso and Cubism has been made, fifteen years has become editor of the journal Studium , where brilliant pastiches drawn to the section titled "The Great Masters of Painting."

In 1919 he left his native Catalonia and moved to Madrid, he entered the Academy of Fine Arts and befriends the great poet Federico García Lorca and the Surrealist filmmaker Luis Buñuel future, who will distance yet irreversibly in 1930. In the capital takes a special outfit, has long hair, tie and a disproportionately large drag layer to toe. Sometimes wears a sky blue shirt adorned with sapphire cufflinks, holding the hair with a hairnet and polished with oil varnish. Their presence is difficult to go unnoticed. In the scrambled and conflicting months of 1923 suffered an unfortunate setback. At the Academy of Fine Arts which is attached protests occur against a teacher, and before the commencement of the official discourse and the violent controversy erupts, Salvador leaves the room. Authorities believe that this gesture was he who gave the signal to attack and rebellion and decided to expel for one year. Then again in Figueras, the guards come to arrest him and spent some time in jail (Gibson, 1997).

On leaving prison receive two joys. The first, an etching press that his father gives him, and the second visit the excellent companion to the Residencia de Estudiantes in Madrid Federico García Lorca, who, on hot summer nights Cadaqués, read the whole family Dalí their newly composed poems and dramas. It is there, beside the Mediterranean, where Garcia Lorca writes the famous "Ode to Salvador Dali, published some years later, in 1929, in Revista de Occidente. Soon it wills also Luis Buñuel who comes to Cadaqués to ...
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