Mental Health And Drug Abuse

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Mental Health and Drug Abuse

Mental Health and Drug Abuse


Substance abuse can be defined as a sequence of harmful use of any substance for mood and thought altering purposes. Psychiatric disorders are illnesses characterized by abnormal regulation of mood and affect; thought processes and behaviors as recognized by DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 5th Edition). When a person suffers from a substance abuse and a mental disorder simultaneously, it is called Co-occurring disorder or Dual diagnosis. According to NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness), around half of the individuals with severe psychiatric illness are affected by substance abuse. In USA, out of all people who get diagnosed with mental instabilities, 29 percent of them abuse alcohol, nicotine or other drugs. Research increasingly supports the importance of understanding and treating co-existing disorders together, possible by implementing medication and behavioral therapies. In most instances only one of the two problems is identified. If both are known, the person goes back and forth between treatment for mental illness and those of substance abuse or he may refuse both kinds of help.

Across the country increasing number of programs are being designed trying to address this issue. The most commonly abused drugs include marijuana and cocaine. Prescription drugs like hypnotics and tranquilizers may also be used for abuse. The incidence of abuse is greater in males as compared to females of their age groups. People who aged between 18 to 44 years show higher tendency to develop drug abuse. There is also a difficulty in separating the behaviors due to mental disease from those due to drugs (Helen E. Ross, F. B., 1988).


Mostly a profound degree of denial exists among care takers about the presence of abuse and disease because they have little to offer to people with the combined illness. In this research study we will evaluate the treatments available, the managements for such disorders, the steps taken by the federal in this regard and also the consequences of not getting measures done in helping dual-diagnosed individuals of our community. Many people start using abusive drugs as a result of misguided attempt to treat symptoms of the illness. The reason to these pathophysiological metamorphosis are complex and unclear as many people experience trauma turn alcoholics or misuse other drugs to help themselves in feeling better. By self medicating they learn that they can reduce the level of anxiety and depression at least for the short term. The study will also analyze the role of health care professionals and the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions in co-occurring disorders.


The use of psycho-active drugs has become increasingly common in today's society. Over 10 Million Americans are Alcoholics who are mostly under-educated and live in rural regions of the country. Occasionally alcoholism is associated with unstable job or disturbed family relations. Patterns of cigarette smoking correspond to maintenance of blood nicotine levels has the tendency to cause addiction. Smoking cocaine has greater addictive potential as compared to snorting as it speeds its delivery to brain without going through ...
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