Impact Of Pill Addiction On Society

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Impact of Pill Addiction on Society

The impact of pill addiction on society

Thesis Statement

Pill addiction has adversely affected the social fabric of society, in that it has negatively influenced the lives of a large number of people, (the affected include people from all walks of life and belong to different segments of society) and is considered to be the fastest growing category of drug abuse in the United States.


Pill addiction generally refers to the physical and psychological reliance of an individual on prescription medication in a way other than for which it was prescribed by the doctor, leading to its abuse. Abuse generally begins when the patient is about to complete the prescribed medication course, since that particular individual starts to reap the benefits of pain relief through medication. Once the individual's body is alleviated of pain as a result of the medication, it gets used to the pain-free sensation and the patient naturally does not want to go through pain again and enjoys the “break'' from the suffering. On the other hand, if a patient is struggling with insomnia, sleeping pills are the drugs that are most commonly turned to, in order to put the mind at rest and to get valuable sleep. Consequently, the individual falls prey to a recurring cycle of prescription pill abuse as the temptation for a pain-free existence, or the urge to overcome sleeplessness is too hard to let go off, in the process creating innumerable physical, mental and social challenges.

Pill addiction is generally not given as much importance as other forms of drug abuse simply because it is not looked down upon in the same manner as street drug addiction. While street drug addicts are the stereotypical “bad guys,” and have a “dirty” image in our minds, prescription pill addicts come from all walks of life, and belong to almost all the segments of society. As Joseph Autry, MD, of the US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration put it, “There is no typical abuser,'' while giving his reaction on studies concluding how common pill addiction has become, and its ramifications on society.


Pill addiction as a social problem

Pill addiction is by all means a grave social problem since it is adversely affecting the society in general, and the youth in particular. Since pill addiction does not have as much “taint” attached to it as street drug addiction, people are not yet fully aware of the perils associated with it. Not only does it result in the gradual decline of the abuser's health, it also affects the balance of the family that that particular individual belongs to, implying that the abuser and his/her near and dear ones also have to suffer due to this scourge which is eating into society, particularly if the individual is the sole provider of the family, which is usually the case (U.S. General Accounting Office, 2000). Moreover, pill addicts, at times, are driven to the edge to take extreme measures, since their ability to reason is inhibited ...
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