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Mcdonaldization in Society and its Implications

Mcdonaldization in Society and its Implications


The theme of this essay is Mcdonaldization of society. This concept is presented by George Ritzer in his book “The McDonaldization of Society”. The notion of McDonaldization essentially means that societal culture is possessed by the characteristics of fast food (Ritzer, 1994, pp.553). The concept is re-engineering of rationalization, or moving towards rational modes of thinking from conventional thinking.


Five components of McDonaldization and Sustainability

Efficiency - is the best method for achieving tasks. According to Ritzer, efficiency donates the fastest way to reach from point A to B. Taking an example of McDonalds; it provides the optimal method to being full of being hungry. The use of term efficiency in McDonaldization means that all process for an organization is directed towards the goal of minimizing time. Such practices can lead unhealthy results. People may use improper means to for reaching point B within minimum time.

Calculability - means that outcomes should be quantifiable instead of subjective. The notion of McDonaldization has lead to thinking that quality equals quality. The saving of time is equivalent to the quality of product or service. This allows quantification by comparing what one gets against what one pays. Organizations are leading customers towards thinking that they are getting a lot and paying less.

Predictability - Uniform and standardized services. It means that the service provided by an organization remains similar, everywhere in the world. Such organizations are characterized by repetition, routine and predictable practices and processes. The issue with such thinking is that acceptability and needs differ in different countries. A practice, which might be acceptable in one country, would not be appropriate in another.

Control- means uniform and standardized workers, technology overtaking human resource. Sustainability can be achieved through better technologies but, in some cases, preferring human resource may improve the condition of social units.

A strategy complied on these four processes is narrower and may lead to irrational or unfavorable results. The McDonaldization process is summarized as “the principles of the fast-food restaurant are coming to dominate more and more sectors of American society as well as of the rest of the world” (Ritzer, 2011).

Irrationality of Rationality

The author has highlighted another element “Irrationality of Rationality” which is a fifth element. “Most specifically, irrationality means that rational systems are unreasonable systems. By that, I mean that they deny the basic humanity, the human reason, of the people ...
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