Marketing Strategies Of Primark Company

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Marketing Strategies of Primark Company

Marketing Strategies of Primark Company


Background of the Company

Primark is the leading company, working in distribution ship of the clothing stuff and textile goods like women, men, children wearing goods and bed sheets, pillow and curtains, etc. the company established in 1969 in United Kingdom, Great Dublin. They are operating worldwide with the massive stores in different regions and countries. They are in expanding phase of business since they have started business due to the unique identity in business sector. They have gone through different mergers and acquisitions in different parts of the world with different local companies. Their finished goods came from the emerging markets of textile manufacturers like, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. This is due to the lesser cost of import materials and goods from these states. They are also operating in the different international markets with the best ever rivals like IKEA and Wal Mart. They have 257 stores in the world different countries as reported in 2013 in their financial book (, 2013, p. n.d).

The basic idea behind this paper and research is that, they want to expand their business in USA and Norway. They paper includes the research of the expansion techniques and the history of the business operation in these markets, either the countries are capable to induced this company in their markets, the markets are able to cater them and give them a good response in future with good profit returns and further more expansion in diversified fields.


The first phase of expansion is the identification of the markets, in which company is desired to expand their business, in which they can grow in future. They have decided to expand their business in Norway and USA; they land of opportunities as these are emerging countries in business aspects. We will measure these countries one by one with different aspects as their market segmentation and target market, market strengths and weaknesses with porters five factors and other different techniques will be used to measure the outcomes from the market.

Primark`s Objectives

1.To maintain the Quality level of output. 2. Make available at every market place. 3. To decrease the cost and maximize the profit. 4. Demolish the business of Japanese and German market share in the world. 5. To increase the sustainability of Primark in the market. 6. To make the finished goods according to the standards and environment friendly ISO certified.

Market Segmentation

Primark known for his products is mostly textile. This is due to product utility and brand promise. Fashions from all over the world likely to go with Primark fashion designing gadgets, designed for the person who is found to involve with fashion designing and practices. This is the simplest way to reach a huge number of consumers who are more loyal with the brand. Primark targets the audience who is quality conscious and brand conscious. No matters where consumer belongs too. Primark`s products available in all regions in the world with the licensed out lets ...
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