Marketing In Tourism

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Marketing in Travel and Tourism



The Concept and Principle of Marketing and Tourism2

Core Concepts2

Impact of Marketing Environment on Individual Businesses and Tourist Destinations4

Factor Affecting Consumer Motivation and Demand in the Sector5

Marketing Segmentation and its Use in Marketing Planning6

Marketing as a Management Tool in Travel and Tourism8

Marketing Research and Information to Managers in the sector10

Influence of Marketing on Society11

Role of the Marketing Mix in the Sector12

Issues in the Product, Price and Place Element of Marketing Mix12

Service Sector Mix Elements to the Sector12

Total Tourism Product and an Individual Tourism Business or Tourist Destination15

The Promotional Mix in Travel and Tourism16

Integrated Nature and Role of the Promotional Mix16

Integrated Promotional Campaign for a Travel and Tourism Business or Destination17



Marketing in Travel and Tourism


Tourism has now taken the role of an important sector that boost the economy of any country where the infrastructure and the landscape became assets that were to be utilized to achieve the commercial goals. This is when the importance of marketing became inevitable for the Travel and Tourism sector.


The Selected Business

The business I selected to work with is “The Tourism Company”. It is a medium sized company however is undoubtedly one of the most famous UK's tourism consultancies, conveying high standard tourism policies, promoting arrangements, achievability researches and a reach of different administrations to customers over the UK and worldwide.

Task 1: The Concept and Principle of Marketing and Tourism

Core Concepts

The core concepts of marketing and tourism can be divided Product, its customers or consumers, its sales and its social marketing. Hence, the tourism company as a tourism business offers a product in the form of different packages where most interesting features of these packages are showcased that may include cheap accommodation etc (Beirman, 2002, pp.168) . In addition, it is essential that the business uses these campaigns to form an aggressive promotional strategy to motivate consumers to buy their package deals. The needs and demands of the consumers or customers that the company targets is always analyzed, catered and incorporated in the travelling packages by the company in order to increase its image and reputation for the customers. The Tourism Company implements its social marketing concept thereby supporting and promoting Green tourism in its various travelling and tourism packages and services (Chhabra, 2010, pp.128). All these factors are therefore important to be considered while planning and implementing a marketing scheme of the overall tourism business as a product.

Impact of Marketing Environment on Individual Businesses and Tourist Destinations

Marketing Environment (

The micro environment forces include the company itself, its suppliers, its intermediaries, customer and publics. The company includes all the different departments, such as finance, management etc where each department has a strong impact on the marketing decisions. For instance, research and development proposes the current famous tourist destinations to focus on where the financial departments estimate the budget to feature these destinations in the packages (Williams, 2006, pp.485).

The suppliers are also a vital aspect because a slightest delay in the receiving of the services can result in the ...
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