Managing People In Organizations

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Managing People in Organizations

Managing People in Organizations


Management of people is the control of collective action undertaken within an organization to manage the entire workforce. It is based on the study of organizations, the subject of management science. The people management also refers to all the responsible personnel of a company or organization (Adams, 2011).

People management is the management practice of any organization related to its workforce. It is conscientious for the selection, attraction, training, evaluation & assessment & rewarding employees, at the same time also overseeing the leadership of the organization and culture (Cabrera & Cabrera, 2009, pp. 720-735). And make certain the compliance with the labor laws and employment. In situations where the employees aspire and are legally authoritative to embrace collective bargaining conformity, people management department will also serve as the organization's primary association with the employees' legislative body usually a labor union (Paul & Anantharaman, 2007, pp. 1246-1266).

In present global work setting, all global organizations are focused on preservation of knowledge and talent held by the people in the companies and workforce. All organizations are companies are focused on lessening the employee turnover & preserving the knowledge(Cabrera & Cabrera, 2009, pp. 720-735).

Newly employed not only comprise a lofty cost but also the greater risk of individual not being competent to substitute the individual who was functioning at the similar position before (Robertson & Hammersley, 2010, pp. 241-253).

HR unit is also paying attention on developing the strategies in the shape of benefits or other actions to entice the people and the entire workforce of the organization and reduce the hazard of trailing the knowledge and competent skills (Adams, 2011).


School of People Management in Organization

Although the practice of people management exists since society emerge, the formalization of the management is relatively recent. In its current meaning, it can be defined as the management of TT Paterson in his book, Theory of Management, published by Gauthier-Villars in 1969: “Implementation and coordination of functions and people who perform these functions so achieve a given” goal (Paul & Anantharaman, 2007, pp. 1246-1266).

According to the ideas put forward by Henri Fayol in his book published in Industrial and General Administration in 1916, the people management is carried by a transverse position he called the administrative function of an organization to ensure that the five major functions that are used to manage people in any organization (Cabrera & Cabrera, 2009, pp. 720-735). Usually the people in any companies are managed on the basis of the below mentioned principles.

Organization's capacity and technology to produce process and manufacture.

Nature of business for instance purchase, sale or exchange.

Organization's financial resources, resource search and optimal use of capital.

Organization's Security functions and protection of persons and property.

Firms accounting payroll and statistics (Adams, 2011).

Similarly, Fayol indicates that management assumes that those he calls the “Directors” to be able to implement the range of core competencies, namely: “Expect, Organize, and Command. Coordinate and Control”. The concern for accuracy and rationality must preside in the administration and ...
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