Managing People Assignment

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Managing People Assignment


Essay Outline3

Critical evaluation4

Recruitment & Selection Process4

Current processes at ABC4

Principles of Recruiting at ABC Company4

Placement.  (Foss,2005,p.520)4

Orientation. 5

Professional ethics. 6

Initial or preliminary interview .8

Selection interview 9

Final interview  (Harris, 2000, p.50)10

Tool for performance management10



Part I: system planning and performance assessment10

Part II: how to develop performance targets 11

Part III: how to formulate job descriptions o11

Effective Team Management11

Recommendations for Implementations12


Team work13


Essay Outline

Recruitment & Selection Process

Professional ethics. 



Principles of Recruiting at ABC Company

Effective Team Management

Tool for performance management

Recommendations for Implementations

Company Name: ABC

Critical evaluation

Recruitment & Selection Process

Recruitment is a set of procedures that tend to attract potentially qualified and capable candidates to fill positions within the organization. It is basically an information system through which the organization provides market reports and human resources employment opportunities are to be filled. Recruitment plays an extremely effective role as it is the cornerstone and the base through which any organization progresses.

Current processes at ABC

Principles of Recruiting at ABC Company

It is of utmost importance, before discovering the recruitment and selection process, emphasizing three fundamental principles:


It is very common to select candidates considering a particular job, but part of the job of coach is trying to raise the organization's human resources, through the discovery of abilities or skills that candidates can take their own benefit and the organization. So, if a candidate does not have the necessary skills for a particular position, but is considered potentially a good prospect for other personal characteristics, it is necessary to find other skills that may be required elsewhere in the organization or another organization within it. (Foss, 2005, p.520)


Traditionally considered the organization as a system isolated from its environment. Therefore, if a candidate was not accepted, you will simply be rejected, but we must not forget that the organization is enshrined within an economic, social, cultural, political, etc., and therefore meet its social objectives if it helps to solve the country's problems. It is necessary to consider the work of the coach and not as limited by the boundaries of the organization, but in a broader sense and taking as a reference the problems of underemployment and unemployment in the country. 

In short, if the candidates have given their time and effort to the organization so that they can decide whether or not they are members, in the latter case at least you can do to match is to provide such guidance. However, in practice it often happens otherwise. It is very common that if the candidate is not considered appropriate, be told that your application will be studied and then let him know the result. 

Professional ethics 

Vygotsky's Social Development Theory is the work of Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934), who lived during Russian Revolution. Vygotsky's work was largely unkown to the West until it was published in 1962. Social interaction plays a fundamental role in the process of cognitive development. In contrast to Jean Piaget's understanding of child development (in which development necessarily precedes learning), Vygotsky felt social learning precedes development. He states: “Every function in the child's cultural development appears twice: first, on the social level, and later, on the individual level; ...
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