Managing Human Resources

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Managing Human Resources

Managing Human Resources at Britannia Building Society

Executive Summary

The report undertook comprehensive analysis of managing human resources at Britannia Building Society. The report analysed key aspects of human resource practices, which may affect the overall performance of Britannia Building Society. In the light of provided instructions, the report shed light on different perspectives of human resource management, approaches to develop and maintain flexibility at workplace. In addition to this, reported explored the need for equal opportunity at workplace and tropical HR practices and issues. With the help of academic literature and reliable company information, the report investigated application of Guest's model and Storey's definition on the chosen company in the lead of distinguishing the identified terminologies. Moreover, the report scrutinized strategic perspective on HRM and its implication for the role of line manager and employees. It also highlighted the need and significance of flexibility at work and managing diverse workforce. Nonetheless, the report explained forms of discrimination, the need for equal opportunity, performance management, and impact of cultural diversity on HR practices.

Key Words: Managing human resources, Britannia Building Society, human resource practices, flexibility at workplace, equal opportunity at workplace, tropical HR practices, Guest's model, Storey's definition, strategic perspective on HRM, managing diverse workforce, forms of discrimination, performance management, cultural diversity

Executive Summaryi

Task 1 - Different Perspectives of Human Resource Management (HRM)1

1.1)Guest's Model of hard-soft and loose-tight dimensions of HRM1

1.2)Differences between Storey's Definition of HRM, Personnel and IR Practices2

1.3)HRM from a Strategic Perspective4

1.4)Implication of Strategic HRM for the Role of Line Manager and Employees4

Task 2 - Ways to Develop Flexibility within the Workplace5

Flexibility at Work5

2.1) Model of Flexibility7

2.2) Need for Flexibility7

Types of Flexible Work Practices9

Methods to Implement Flexibility at Workplace10

2.3) Advantages of Flexible Working Practice10

Employee Perspective10

Employer Perspective11

Disadvantages of Flexible Working Practice11

Task 3 - Need for Equal Opportunities within the Workplace12

3.1) Form of Discrimination12

Direct Discrimination12

Indirect Discrimination12

Instructions to Discriminate13



3.2) Ways to Apply Legislative Framework Related to Discrimination in the Workplace13

3.3) Practices that Focus on Equal Opportunity in Employment14

3.4) Comparison between Equal Opportunity and Managing Diversity14

Task 4 - Tropical Human Resource Practices and Issues15

4.1) Performance Management in Practice15

4.2) Evaluation of HR Practices in the Workplace16

4.3) Impact of Globalization on HR Issues17

4.4) Impact of National Cultures and Practices on Managing Culturally Diverse Workforce19


Managing Human Resources at Britannia Building Society

Task 1 - Different Perspectives of Human Resource Management (HRM)

Guest's Model of hard-soft and loose-tight dimensions of HRM

In 1987, Guest proposed a two dimension model of HR including hard-soft and loose-tight (figure 1). According to Guest, soft HRM model is harmonious with organizational goals. Soft approach to HRM assures employee commitment and improved competence to perform the desired level of work. In the lead of soft approach, an organization may accomplish competitive advantage and enforcement of cost-effective HR practices (Mcgraw-Hill, n.d., p. 22).

Figure 1: Guest's HRM Model (Mcgraw-Hill, n.d., p. 22)

On the contrary, hard approach to HRM is quantitative that views employees as a business resource to achieve goals of an organization (Price, 2013, p. n.d.). It focuses on performance improvement as the sole reason to enhance ...
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