Managing Hrm

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Sonoco Human Resource Management

Sonoco Human Resource Management


Developing and Improving as well as recognizing employee performance in an organization is an encouraging mission worthy of accomplishing. This measure does not only improve efficiency, it also increases employee satisfaction as well as maximum input, stress reduction, improves social and cultural norms, knowledge management as well as retention, given rise to positive organizational image to the society. Manager and supervisors that are solely responsible for the planning and conduct of performance appraisal must be willing to consider some necessary tools/steps towards information gathering (managers/supervisors appraisal, self appraisals, co-worker appraisal, subordinate appraisal, client appraisal) in other to actualize the aims and objectives of the purpose. It is therefore very important to note that tools are tools and should be used for its specific purpose for maximum performance (Jackson, 2001, 9).

Improving human performance in an organization is a worthwhile effort to accomplish. The actions to improve the performance of individuals and the organization does not lead only to improve productivity, can also lead to an increase in satisfaction levels to work, an improvement in the quality of life of workers, reduce stress, formation of new social networks, greater retention and application of knowledge, and numerous other benefits that impact on individuals within an organization, as well as organization itself and society in general. Those responsible within the companies to work with and for people to achieve better results must be willing to consider, use and apply all the tools that are available for it, and not just those who prefer or predominantly are used. It is important to remember that tools are just tools, and its use should be subject to the resolution of the real goal, improving performance.

The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the Human Resource Management of Sonoco Products Company. This paper analyzes how Sonoco has been doing in terms of its performance, how it stacks up against its goals. Performance is measured at three levels i.e. the individual level, group level and the organizational level (Jackson, 2002, 75).


Sonoco Products Company is the market leader in the industrial and consumer packaging. Sonoco Products Company is becoming the market leader by acquiring the other packaging companies. In order to increase the performance of its employees, Sonoco Products Company is conducting different training sessions, making improvements in the company's operations and brining innovations and improvements in the technology. In order to measure the performance of Sonoco Products Company and check that whether it is congruent to the outputs or not, firstly we review the organizational performance at all levels (Iverson, 1996, 122).

Strategic Human Resource Management

Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) is said to be the paradigm of human resource management block. It focuses on the integration of all business functions of human resource management organization, with emphasis on its strategic role in setting and achieving business goals. SHRM is a competitive advantage because it offers a unique contribution to the company. Although some argue that it is not much different from ...
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