Manager's Role

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Manager's Role


The paper discusses the role of HR manager and its importance. The paper will explain the functions and role of HR manager. Moreover, we will discuss the relations of HR manager and HR department with internal and external stakeholders of the company. We will discuss the cases in which, the HR manager could use internal and external resources to carryout its functions. It will help us assess the nature of relationship and how it could be improved.

Executive Summary

Issues relating to human resource management (HRM) in multinational corporations (MNC) are categorized under the umbrella of international human resource management (IHRM). The role of HR manager includes Recruitment, Selection, Training and evaluation of employees. In conclusion, the head of human resources is related to all aspects of enterprise management and human resource management, as recruits, selects, prosecutes the training, training, compensation and staff development, advises and manages welfare of employees.

Human Resource is involved in interaction with internal and external bodies to help carry out Recruitment, Training and other functions of Human Resource. It is a fundamental activity of the management program of Human Resources of an organization. Recruitment is an essential function that HR department performs. The recruitment function is to supplement the selection of candidates. The recruitment starts from data on current and future needs of the Human Resources organization.

For the purpose of Selection the company could either select candidates from internal sources or from external sources.

High investments are required for recruitment, and there is lack of candidates for the position. Strong competition between the companies concerned in the same market of human resources. Human resources become difficult and scarce resource that deserves individual attention.

Strategic HR managers require a change in their expectation from glimpsing themselves as connection managers to strategic asset managers. HR Department and HR managers in these innovative associations play a strategic function connecting the HR scheme with the enterprise scheme of the organization. The stage of fit works out the human asset system's integration with association strategy. It is the function of HR Managers to double-check this fit in between Human Resource System with the Organization Strategy. Stakeholder orientation: Human resources solutions are more sustainable, the more they are aligned to the needs of various internal and external stakeholders.

Manager's Role

Job Requirement

In this paper, we will discuss in detail about the qualities and role of HR manager which I discussed with my teacher. The existence of the Human Resource Management becomes important in the 21st century is manifested by the need to turn back to human beings as elements who think, feel, motivate and correct. People are malleable; they accept the change and are caretakers of the total quality with full knowledge and appreciation for the achievement of objectives.

Managers are more aware that people management practices can have a significant bearing on the profitability of their business operations. Issues relating to human resource management (HRM) in multinational corporations (MNC) categorized under the umbrella of international human resource management ...
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