Management Skills For Nurses

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Management Skills for Adult Nurses

Management Skills for Adult Nurses


As nursing is a profession that must require taking care for people and it is a varied type of job, so it definitely requires some people who must be ideally fit for this profession. Adult nurses are the persons who take care of injured, ill, and physical disable people and such suffering people are above the age of 18 years old. To work effectively as a professional of adult nursing, there must be some requirements of management skills for them and also a need to complete a standardised course for that. They are also required to be proficient in English proofing as well as in mathematical skills (Mason, 2011, p. 12). Not only this, but they must also have a good know-how good health and must have a good character. There are also various training programmes for adult nursing that are carried out in several distinctive communities and local hospitals of the UK, where they are bounded to work in supervised work environments and for that they also require a clearance from the (CRM) i.e. Criminal Records Bureau. An effective and good nurse must possess the extra ordinary qualities of understanding and patience and additionally, they have the qualities to be calm even under stress and pressure. They must be sensitive and compassionate in nature (Johansen, 2012, p. 50).


Adult nursing is basically about the activities of taking care of individuals as well as of group of individuals who are admitted in any healthcare settings with any type of sickness or health related issue ranging from the categories of group of people to the patients in intensive care. In the profession of nursing, the knowledge is applied from a wide variety of distinctive disciplines when there is any need arise about deliverance of care to suffering individuals, such applications are comprised of decision making, problem solving, and change management through several analytical, critical, and clinical skills.

Management Problem in Adult Nursing

At the local hospitals, head nurse, chief nurse, and supervisors are filled up the roles, but in several different communities, nurses work as the post health centre officers, directors of health care units, nurse inspectors, and primary care directors. But the problem that arises is the lack of management skills that are needed to manage the nursing staff efficiently and effectively in any healthcare settings as, there are a lot of problems and issues arise in the better management of adult nurse in case of any need. Some of the chief problems that are reported for the management of nurses are mentioned below:

Nurses' shortages

Lack of educated and experienced mangers for nurses

Less willingness to participate in policy making and planning about nurses

Limited recognition and lower social statuses of nurses

Inappropriate working conditions

Insufficient information systems

Nurses' subordination positions

Limited supportive regulations

Less emphasis on epidemiology and primary care (Johansen, 2012, p. 53).

In some past years, the two most prevalent problems in the United Kingdom were the inadequacy of professional and well-educated mangers of nurses and ...
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