Management Psychology

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Management Psychology

Management Psychology


The main purpose of this paper is to critically conduct an evaluation of the influence of management psychology on the people management at workplace. The paper identifies the ways through which the mainstream management approaches have been helpful in the construction of a person's image at work. The paper also throws a light on the aspects of human behavior and emotions which are ignored and overlooked in the process. Management psychology is a branch of applied psychology studies that focuses on the management (Andrew, 1992, p. 169). The laws of the psychology of management are shown in cooperation in interpersonal and group communication, and act, like any law, depending on whether we know them or do not know. Basic laws of psychology management and management in general are:

1. Law uncertainty response.

2. Inadequacy of the law of mutual perception.

3. Law of self-inadequacy.

4. Law misstatement.

5. The law of self-preservation.

6. The law of compensation. Let us consider each of them.


Management Psychology is the science that determines psychological knowledge to further the problems and management of the entire staff of the enterprise. Psychology of Personnel Management has its own exclusive features. The object of management psychology advocates organized activity of persons working in a team with a common goal and performing production work together (Morehead, 1995, p. 12). Psychology of management solves problems of conformity existing staff organization. Object management psychology consists of persons that operate as an independent organization focused on a single useful purpose of the enterprise. The subject of the psychology of management is understood by its due diverse aspects:

Psychology of the head of the organization and the psychology of his personality;

Psychological aspects of recruitment;

Social and psychological issues existing teams and the teams;

Psychological and pedagogical problems encountered in training or retraining of personnel.

Given all this, the subject of the psychology of management is a set of relationships and mental phenomena in the organization, which includes:

Functional and structural analysis of management activities;

Psychological problems between the manager and employees of the organization;

Socio-psychological analysis of management and production teams, as well as appearing in these relationships, and more.

Thus, management psychology helps ensure professional training and retraining of employees, forming and developing the management and psychological culture. The main aspects of understanding the psychology of management personnel are:

Understanding of management processes;

Learning the basics of organizational structure;

A clear understanding of the distribution by level of managerial responsibility;

The ability to express their own thoughts;

Manifestation of competence in managing employees;

Information of all the latest technologies and means of communication.

Main methods of management psychology are given below:

Observation- It is a psychological objective process which is used to reflect reality. All the complexity of carrying out this method is in a natural setting operation of the entire organization;

Experiment - the method of data collection to confirm existing incidents. Its results allow for a variety of management decisions.

Management psychology as a profession is based, first of all, to all sorts of achievements in the areas of practical and scientific knowledge. Today it is one of the leading places ...
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