Management Information Systems

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Management Information Systems

Management Information Systems


Globalization means new market, particularly for those who are economically well developed. This is the fact. And information technology is one of the technologies fostered to the new market in this increasingly competitive world. The implication of this basic argument could be found in many other sectors, both within the private and within the public sectors. IT revolution is sweeping the globe. Governments willy nilly are being drawn into it. Transition to electronic delivery of services in government not only involves changes to the systems, procedures and processes of relevant services but also in the way in which the public and business community deal with the government. (Leppert 2006)


Businesses worldwide make extensive use of Management Information Systems (IS). IS designed by the top management of an organization is a tool for assembling and accumulating facts and figures about all the important business processes. The information so collected is tabulated and presented in the form of meaningful reports. The IS particularly aims at controlling the technologies, work force and the policies, procedures and practices of the business. The advantages of using an IS are manifold. An organization that uses IS is able to record, process, route and tabulate all important business transactions. As and when need arises, the organization is able to incorporate necessary changes and improvements to its areas of concern. For example when an organization sees that the actual and projected sales figures are not in tune with each other, it can take steps to make changes and thus align the two figures. (O'Brien 2009)

IS facilitates informed decision making. IS usually represents a number of options from which the organization usually picks the best trade-off for sales, operations and other strategic areas. The top management also analyzes whether its resources are being utilized optimally.


After several years of turbulence of internet stocks and the resulting failure of many companies, it is easy to understand the impact of information system in daily life. Yet, everyday we read article about IT technology helping the growth of the business. They are many advantages that most people agreed: they create value largely or exclusively through the gathering, synthesizing and distribution of information, they formulate strategy in ways that make management of enterprise and they use technology-mediated channels which are subject to measurement and tracking in unprecedented and granular ways. With those advantages, the company can gain a better position in the furious competition.


A system is a scientific method of inquiry, that is, observation, the formulation of an idea, the testing of that idea, and the application of the results. The scientific method of problem solving is systems analysis in its broadest sense. Data are facts and figures. However, data have no value until they are compiled into a system and can provide information for decision making. Management information systems are those systems that allow managers to make decisions for the successful operation of businesses. Management information systems consist of computer resources, people, and procedures used in the modern business enterprise(Whiteley 2000 ...
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