Management Information Systems

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Management Information Systems


Johnny's Lunch is a destination of casual dinners for multiple families and individual since the past 70 plus years. In a single town of New York, it has managed to thrive within multiple locations and destinations for the purpose of commencing new parameters and getting a hand of the expansion outside the normal management and organization structures. Ever since the recommendations and policies of the franchise grew, the developmental and basic fundamentals of this association haven't stopped and it tends to completely grow for numerous values and data analysis. Customers, old or new, love the traditional recipes and consider that they have some of the best tasting hot dogs that cannot be found elsewhere. Though the customers rarely fail to be delighted by the rest of the retro-famous restaurant's all- American menu which includes Johnny's fine quality hamburgers, French fries, onion rings and milkshakes but there are still a lot of improvements to be done and strategic placements to be followed. Franchising has always worked in the best regards for the purpose of Johnny's Lunch menu and going national was a recent development when the partnership between the grandchildren of the original founder worked out in a positive manner.

As it moved towards the franchising, Johnny's Lunch maintained to have a foundation of strong research and predictive analysis using multiple information technology and information systems. Both primary and secondary research was developed to make sure of the causes and functional capabilities of the company as a whole; interviews, surveys and several other marketing techniques were a part of such expansions and applications.

Table of Contents



Reflection and learning5

Case study6

Business modelling techniques6

Current business strategy7

Use of information systems8

Management, organization and technology issues9

Latest trends in mapping technology and their innovative applications13

Evaluation of success possibility of Johnny's Lunch national expansion15


Management Information System


When it comes to talking about business management and the acquired skills and technologies one can invest into it, there are multiple options and choices for an individual to seek. To enhance competitive knowledge, advantages and outcomes of the resource a company is using, there have to be suitable adjustments made to acquire and sustain proper success measures and values. To combine seek shareholder values and designations, there should be some sort of accommodations and facilities involved that a business firm seeks.

These measures, either in the form of potential actions or other different categories of functions can turn out to be decision making things for a firm. Business management is an important aspect about the whole scenario an employee is seeking in the company and there can be more than one thing to take into account for that matter. There can be one project plan or a chain of several different activities combining different parameters and limitations for that matter which may be helpful and effective (Jane, 2007).

While looking for implementation parameters, as mentioned before, there can be a set of different programs and activities so they can determine what has to be done and how well suitable things are going to ...
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