Management Information And Communication Systems

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Management Information and Communication Systems


In this paper we try to focus on Management Information and Communication Systems. The paper critically discusses the reasons why organisations outsource IT and/or e-commerce. The paper also highlights the crucial issues in managing these outsourced relationships. The purpose of this paper is to understand the nature of Management Information and Communication systems and how they improve management decision making. The paper comes out with the strategy of MIC systems in different types of organisation. The paper identifies the factors leading to innovation in MIC systems and understanding the limits of application. The paper demonstrates how MIC systems are able to integrate the various management functions to enhance the overall performance of organisations.

Table of Content



Nature of Management Information and Communication systems and how they improve management decision making6

Integration of management functions by MIC systems to enhance overall organization performance7

Critically discuss the reasons why organisations outsource IT and/or e-commerce.7

Reasons why organizations outsource IT and/or E-commerce7

Fraud screening9

Payment options10


Instant business providence10

Time and language11

Strategy of MIC systems in different types of organization11

Crucial issues in managing outsourced relationships12

Lack of understating the concepts12

Lack of processing13

No performance measurement13

Service level14

Lack of governance15

No evaluation and repayments16

Pricing and payment terms17

Lack of information and confidentiality18

Factors leading to innovation in MIC systems and understanding the limits of application18



Management information and communication systems


A management information and communication system is a systematic procedure and analytical description of something which takes place in almost all of the organizations and firms that are found throughout the globe these days. It determines different social, educational, linking and resource backgrounds of a firm as a name and as collective connections of everything that it requires to have when it comes to effectively functioning and having all the potential to manage affiliations effectually and in a unique manner.

Management information and communication system is not a collective term, it comprises of about two elements that are to be understood in a clear manner before the application and proper outcome derivation. Management information systems are all about three things; people, technology and decision making on the basis of content and knowledge that is being relayed to an organization (Kroenke, 2008, 24).

Management information and communication system is a process which keeps the basic and intermediate levels of a company together and it makes sure that the class and function of an organization are very different from one another by all means and there is no single gap to bridge up that can possibly cause any drawbacks from occurring. Before there is a brief detail given about both the parameters, it is important to look at each one of them as one single virtue and know about the significance and vital role in the possible years to come.

Management information system to begin with is kind of an organizational support for different activities to be bringing about a constructive thing in different directions regarding a company. If you look at it, management information systems can be something highly focused and practicing in all fields and it ...
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