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Operations and Information System

Operations and Information System


Organizations are embedded in an environment increasingly competitive, dynamic and unstable, which justifies the urgent need to rethink the management of their information, and in this sense, the GIS may help manage since it is fed information from functional areas of the organization. Note that due to immense amount of irrelevant data that can be collected by modern systems management it is necessary to establish criteria for the data and information submitted may in fact support the manager (Ammenwerth & Winter 2004).

An information system consists of a set of data entering the system and other sets of data held in files or tables and on which one applies Routine work, a program, processing, so as to obtain output information. The environment in which the institutions operate is experienced and perceived primarily using information (Brynjolfsson & Hitt 2000, p.23-48). It is therefore the administrator "monitor the environment in search of information ", represent the company in front of customers and suppliers and make sure that the correct information are reaching their subordinates. In the process of development of a GIS the key factor to be considered is the quality and how information will be provided to decision makers.

In this report we intend to present some operational failures that can occur on the daily use of traditional systems of management information from hospitals. Our goal is to reflect on the advantages of implementing management information systems (Ammenwerth & Winter 2004).

The Management Information System and Organizations

In recent years, management information systems have been employed with increasing frequency by organizations seeking to improve the management of information. A Management Information System - GIS aims to meet the managerial level of the organization, supporting decision making by providing, for example, reports or online access to records current and historical performance of the organization (Chan et al. 2004, p.1229-1236). It is therefore a grouped or summarized data of the operations of the business functions company that SIGs operate, supporting the decision making body of the manager or management departmental units, in synergy with other units.

The forces acting on these systems relate to the supply side improvements in relation to technology and processing capacity, and the demand side the need to cope with constant changes from the environment inside and outside the company (Brynjolfsson & Hitt 2000, p.23-48). The producers of information systems seek to launch not only products but also new concepts, highlighting the attributes of the new systems, seeking to promote a leverage marketing through these attributes. Looking forward personality distinct from other systems, each producer "tries to coin a new term to promote your own tool.

This is how the concepts related to Management Information Systems arise, metamorphose and vanish. "Data warehouse", "balanced scorecard", "business warehouse, "" data mining "," CRM-customer relationship management "," dashboards ", etc.. The From this point of the text we will refer to these tools only by generic name Management Information Systems - ...
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