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Operations Management

Operations Management

Petrol Station Analysis

There are the following ten areas of the operations management (OM) that can be applied:


Goods and services design

Process and capacity design


Supply chain management




Layout Design

Human resources and job design

Operations are considered as an important part of the organization that is accountable for manufacturing goods and services.

Goods reflect the physical items that include parts, raw materials and subassemblies such as final products (i.e. automobiles and cell phones) and motherboards that go into computers.

Services are those activities that provide a combination of time, form, location or psychological value. Hence, operations management is the process that is implemented for creating goods or provides services. A supply chain reflects the sequence of organizations, their activities and functions and they are involved in delivering and producing a product or service. Similarly, scheduling, inventory, maintenance, layout design, human resources and job design, process and capacity design, location and quality are the important parts that are integrated and implemented in the organization.

I personally visited to “Birmingham Filling Station Convenience Store and Car Wash” to understand its operations. It offers gift & credit cards, pay bill, fuel additives and motor oils, aviation, chilled foods, drinks, beers, candies, chemicals, base oils, fuels, lubricants and energy services. It is located at Birmingham, West Midlands, and United Kingdom (UK).


People are considered as an important and essential part of the operating. Therefore, good procedures and work system are more important in order to prevent incidents and minimize any worst consequences that effect negatively. It is also necessary that procedures should be understood easily and people must be aware of the site. These procedures should be monitored on the daily checking system and revise them in case of changes in circumstances.

I personally observed and see that how the 10 OM areas apply to the petrol station. When I visited petrol station for three times, I generalized the risk assessment that helpel me to identify where operating procedures are required and they may include:

Dispensing of activities;

Petrol offloading;

Maintenance regarding site records;

Dealing with contractors;

Dealing with customers;

Cleaning the spills of petrol;

Reconciliation of wet stock, including loss reporting and investigation;

Maintenance and housekeeping of general site.

Troubleshooting a Micro Brewery

There are the following reasons that why operations strategy (OM) fails:

Not comprehension the environment or focusing on results

Planning teams must give careful consideration to updates in the business environment, set important necessities, and grasp the need to seek after comes about.

Not having the right individuals included

Those accused of executing the plan and it should be included from the start. Those included in making the plan will be bound to seeing it through execution.

Unwillingness or ineptitude to change

The organization and its strategic plan must be effective and fit to adjust as market conditions change.

Having the wrong individuals in leadership positions

Management must be ready to make the intense decisions to guarantee the right people are in the right leadership positions. The "right" people incorporate the individuals who will support for and supporter the ...
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