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Dear business administrator,

There are many challenges that the business organizations facing in the current age of recession. Similarly, our company is going through some of the great problems which are limiting the working proficiency of the employees. The greatest concern that our company is facing is the discrimination problem. Management of the company must develop certain effective policies in order to get rid of these discrimination issues as these issues adversely affect the productivity and performance of the company. Discrimination issues cause many risks to the company. The discrimination issue within the organizational environment makes it more probable that people find the lack of agreement in taking any business decision which makes the execution of business operations challenging (Moore, 2012).

I request you to develop some effective policies for preventing the environment of the company from discrimination issues. Being a business administrator, it will be appropriate for you to develop effective policies which will ultimately cause such company which will be free from discrimination issues (Moore, 2012). As our workplace entails employees from diverse culture and employees belong to different genders, races, sexual orientation, disabilities, political beliefs and religion. Thus, discrimination is arising within our company which is creating very adverse affects on the company's environment. Consequently, the reputation and performance as well productivity of the company is being affected by this discrimination among employees. The discrimination at our workplace is hurting the people who are being discriminated for no reason which is ultimately damaging the entire firm's environment (Moore, 2012).

The business administrators and other management personnel of the company must implement equal opportunities and diversity management policies in order to prevent any kind of discrimination from the organizational environment. There are many different legislation which have been proposed in order to prevent workplace discrimination. Our ...
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