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To: The U.S. Senate, New York

From: XYZ

Date: 7th May, 2012

Subject: Abortion Public Policy Issue

Respected Sir,

This letter is to bring into your notice an issue regarding the public policy of abortion. Abortion is a problem that is increasing in our society. Awareness should be created to ensure that people practice safe sex that will not lead to such situations. In the United States, the Prevention First Act was introduced in 2005; however, the efficiency of this act is not up to the mark. It has not been very successful in implementing the law and in providing proper education and support to the people of the country.

The problem of abortion has increased due to the fact that physicians do not prevent mothers from doing so. It is not ethical for physicians to perform abortion and it should only be done in cases which the mother's life is at risk. Abortion is not a meritorious act until and unless the life of the mother is at risk. Therefore, steps must be taken to reduce the rate of unwanted pregnancies to reduce the rate of abortion.

Women typically suffer from a slight pain if abortion occurs during the first quarter of pregnancy. In 1979 a study got conducted 2,299 patients, reported that 97% of them suffer from some degree of pain. Patients rated the pain as being less than earache or toothache, but more of a headache or back pain. It is safer to undertake abortion in the earlier phase than at the gestation phase because the chances of complications are minimal then. Self-induced abortion is not considered safe and is a considered an abuse using non-surgical tools such as knitting needles, spare clothes in womb. Such methods are seen very seldom in developed counties where abortion is legal especially. For example, Russian legislation provides for women's right to an abortion at her request in the period up to 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Socioeconomic policies are very blunt instruments for pursuing the goal of abortion reduction. However, the analysis shows that economic factors stand above all for a female to opt for abortion in order to support her life. Other than the problem of teen pregnancy, economic conditions of the household deem to be the biggest factor in inducing mothers to go through the painful process of abortion. The issues and problems highlighted in this paper arising through abortion can be prevented by the help of employing solutions given in this paper. As a general rule, the most basic and cost effective method to reduce the burden of abortion is to provide in depth and extensive education to teenagers regarding conscription practices.

Abortion can have a big impact on all the reports of a woman is not affected only the relationship with his partner, but also the relations with other members of her family and her other children. After a miscarriage, the rate of rupture marriage and dissolution of relationships between couples is anywhere between 40 and 75 percent, which are often related to failure of ...
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